Chapter 11

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Later that night, Michael came home and you both had dinner, now in the bedroom with him sleeping, his arm around your waist holding you to him, his soft even breaths and light small snores telling you he was fast asleep. Gently grabbing his arm, slowly moving it off your hip, and tip-toeing into the bathroom. Shutting the door quietly, and going to the window, opening it, throwing your foot over, and jumping down, looking around to make sure no one was around to see you, finally you took off running into the woods.
You've been running for what feels like hours, your legs burning, and exhaustion hitting you hard. Now seeing a small town coming up, you use whatever energy you have left to speed up and run into the town, finally out of the woods, you let out a silent celebration. Walking, or more like limping into town, you decide to go to a motel for the night, then skip town early the next day, figuring, if you can get far enough, then he'll stop coming after you, and let his weird fascination with you go. Going into the motel the clerk sees you, " Oh my gosh do you need help?!" She asks, " No miss, I just got lost in the woods, I'm fine, but a room would be great." You reply. Looking her over she seems to be a women in her mid 50's, Greg hair claiming her soft, brown hair. Soft caring brown eyes, and light birds feet setting in by her eyes, showing her age." Of course dear," handing you a key," Do you have cash or debit on you?" Looking down realizing you have no money on you, her seemingly noticing your look," Here dear it's on the house for you tonight." A light smile setting on her face," Oh my gosh really? I can't thank you enough!" She lefts out a soft laugh, " Of course dear, that's room 125 on floor two." Giving her a large smile, and walking to the elevator, going in and pressing the second floor button, riding it up.
Waking down the hallway, and finding the door with the number 125 on it, opening it and waking inside, finding a bed, t.v., and nightstand with a small lamp on it, feeling exhaustion take over crawling toward the bed, and letting sleep take over...

Hello readers
Sorry for the late update, just been really busy lately, I hope you enjoyed this update, although it wasn't a very long chapter ;-;
But hey! She has escaped, let's see what my mind comes up with next then.
438 words

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