Chapter 10

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You woke up feeling the sunlight kissing your soft y/c skin. The feeling of your bladder forcing you up, going to sit up but being held down by an arm. You slowly wiggle your way around, seeing your supposed 'mate' sleeping with small little puffs escaping his lips. Watching the way his lips move with each breath, the way the sun kissed his soft, pale skin. His long eyelashes, dark brown curls that fall over his face, the gentle look he had-" Has anyone ever told you it's not polite to stare, baby girl?" His rough morning voice breaking your trance, causing a deep blush to appear on your cheeks. Him suddenly pulling you closer into his warm chest. " How did you sleep?" He asked " I-I slept well.." you replied quietly. " B-but I need t-to use the bathroom." He slowly unwrapped his arms from around you, " alright but hurry back." You hurriedly jumped off the bed running off into the bathroom to do your business. Looking around at the huge bathroom that was bigger then your living room at your house- or old house.. not being quiet sure what to call it. Walking out of the bathroom after finishing, looking down at the ground and avoiding eye contact with the vampire that had kid napped you. Standing by the bathroom door, nervously asking, " U-um... c-c.. c-can I please go b-back to m-my house.. I-I'm sure m-my family i-is worried about m-me..?" Avoiding looking up, terrified of what happens next. Him slowly walking up to you. You taking steps back, until your back hit the door, now standing in front of you, he grabbed your chin not in a rough manor, but in a way you aren't able to pull your chin away from his hands. He softly forced you to look up at him, seeing what was his forest green eyes now red, looking at him with fear. " You will never leave me. You will not step foot, out of this house without me, a guard, or without my permission. You will never go back to that house. Do I make myself clear?" He asked me in a rough voice, you whimpering and looking back down, him forcing your head back up awaiting an answer. You replied in a shaky voice," Y-y-yes sir.." he let your chin go, you looking down at the ground, truth being told you don't want to go back home. You don't want to be here. You just want to leave and live your life. A normal, happy life, away from abusive arrogant asswholes, and away from something that can kill you faster then you could blink. He suddenly grabbed your hand softly, tipping your head up, " Are you hungry?" You shook your head no, but your stupid stomach growled five seconds after, throwing you under the buss. You blushed and looked away, he chuckled smirking," I'll take that as a yes." He gently kept hold of your hand, taking you downstairs, to the kitchen, sitting you on the counter while walking to the fridge. You looking around at the very clean kitchen, noticing the beautiful marble tables and counters. " Do you like bacon and eggs?" You gave a small 'yes' in reply. He started pulling them out of the fridge, putting a pan and oil on the stove, while opening the bacon package. You watching while he moved quickly, not sure of what to do at the moment. He pulled out another pan to put the bacon in, pulling out 4 slices laying them down while turning the stove on, grabbing 4 eggs, cracking them in the pan, and starting them too. He walked over to a cabinet opening it and pulling out spices. Walking back over and putting garlic, pepper, and salt on the eggs, then flipping the bacon. About 10-15 minutes later the food was ready, he picked you up gently, putting you down at a long, marble table, grabbing two plates sitting one in front of you, and the other in front of himself, you asked shyly, " Y-you can eat normal food?" He have a soft smile before replying," Of course I can, we blend in with humans rather well, I bet half the population you'd see on a daily basis, are vampires." You looked at him with wide eyes, he gave a soft chuckle in response. He laughed and said" Eat up, we wouldn't want your food to get cold." You blushed before grabbing a piece of bacon and taking a small bite, you watched him cook it so you weren't to concerned about him doing something to it. Humming in delight at the taste of it, before saying softly," It's really good.." He let out a hearty laugh before saying, " Well did you expect it to taste like crap?" You blushed before stuffing the rest of the piece of bacon in your mouth.

You finished about 30 minute later before he asked if you would like to go and see the garden. You exited said     'yes 'as he lead you to the backyard of the mansion. Seeing so many different flowers and smelling so many different smells made you somewhat happy. Him guiding you toward a beautiful tree in the middle of the garden with red roses around it, before sitting and pulling you on his lap, you tensed before feeling the pleasurable sparks dance across your skin." This is the garden my mother planted before she passed." You looked at him with surprise before saying a soft "I'm sorry.." He looked at you and gave a soft smile, "It's  okay it was a long time ago." You replied ," I'm still sorry, I'm sure it still hurts sometimes.." he replied," Yeah it does, there are things I wish I could tell her, and show her, but I'm sure she sees it everyday. She was a very sweet women, I'm sure you would've loved her. She was a very love-able women." You just replied with," I'm sure she was amazing." Leaving it at that, not wanting to bring any hurtful memories to him. Laying back against his chest feeling his arms rap around your torso, slowly feeling your eyes close and your body relax as he played with your hair softly massaging your scalp. Feeling yourself slowly slip into a bliss full sleep.

Waking up feeling someone gently shaking you awake whispering softly in your ear, " wake up babygirl." Softly growning in disapproval, snuggling into the warmth of his chest. Hearing a soft chuckle and those pesky hands shaking you again, growning ," Noooooo... five more minutessss.." Hearing another laugh," Come on babygirl, you want some food?" Peeking up and looking at your surroundings, sitting up in surprise, and hearing him laugh again, " You know kitten, you are very difficult to wake up." You blushes darkly, and looked away. He laughed, picking you up and you clinging on him in surprise. He walked back into the house, asking," Would you like a snack my adorable kitty?" You blushes and shrugged, he walked into the kitchen, sitting you on the marble counter, and walked to the fridge opening it and pulling out a chocolate pudding cup, handing it to you after grabbing a spoon, you gave a soft ' thank you' before opening it and eating the chocolaty deliciousness, moaning at the taste. He chuckled coming closer to you whispering into your ear," I now feel jealous of that pudding cup, it made you moan before I got to." You blushed a crimson red while choking on the pudding, he let out a loud laugh while patting your back softly, picking up the now empty pudding cup, throwing it away and picking you up. Taking you back the the bedroom, tossing you on the bed. "Would you like to watch something, sweetheart?" You blushed again at the name, nodding. He smiled," alright, what would you like to watch?" You looked at him, seeing him looking at you, quickly looking away, you replied," A-anything really." He grabbed your face softly making you face him, " I'm sure there is something you would like to watch, any favorite genres?" You blushed looking at him before saying," U-umm s-something scary?" He smiled before turning on the t.v, pulling up 'The conjuring' and pressing play. He turned back towards you, saying softly yet strictly," I have to leave for a little bit and take care of something. I'll be back at dinner time. There will be a guard outside of your door. You may not leave the room. If I find out you did anything, and I mean anything you know you are not supposed to do. You will not like the consequences, do I make myself clear?" You nodded quickly, he scanned over your face, before standing up, and walking out. You heard a faint 'click' indicating that he locked the door. You looked around the room seeing the movie playing it's beginning bit. Looking at the window across from you and peeking out, seeing him get into a car with five other men looking big and muscular getting in with him, before driving off. Trying to open the window, but seeing the nails are still in it. Biting your lip and looking around before going into the bathroom, hearing the door open," miss..." flushing the toilet to make it seem like you where using the bathroom and waking back out seeing another tall, muscular male. Standing in front of him, him saying," My name is James, I am your personal guard assigned to you from Mr Michael, did he already go over the rules with you?" You modded, murmuring an almost un hear-able 'yes'. He nodded waking back out and locking the door, quietly scurrying off back to the bathroom hearing a scream come from the movie, finding a small window. Pushing it up, finding that it wasn't nailed shut like the other ones and giving a inner cheer, finding it was just barley big enough for you to slip out. Making a plan that tonight. When he gets back and after dinner. You would try another escape...

It's been a while! I hope everyone's doing well and are healthy. There won't be regular updates, I'm pretty busy lately, but here's one! I hope you enjoyed this update!

1736 words

My vampire mate  (currently re-writing) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ