August 16 2014 (May 10 1994)

108 3 61

"Get offa me!" I yell pulling back from the guy's grasp on my arm.

"Just calm down ok-"

"Calm down?! You just teleported me to god knows where." I scream.

"God doesn't know where, actually." He sarcastically says laughing.

"You think this is a joke?! I don't even know you!! You just happened to be there, taking me away from that threat, leaving my friends and dad behind! Who are you to do that!?"

"I'm the guy who saved you from being taken, and most likely killed."

I frowned fast walking down the side walk.

"Where are you going?" He asks behind me.

"Away from you. I don't even know who you are. Anywhere away from you, is most likely better." I say past my shoulder.

"Listen girl-"

"My name is Harley! See, you didn't even know that; BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ME!!"

"I know well enough that you were in danger. I was well able to help you," he talks loudly pacing behind me. "Get you out of that hairy situation before you almost died." He shouts behind me.

"I wouldn't have died! We don't know what could have happened to me! You made that choice very clear when you went out of your way, and took me you, you stranger." I yell still walking away.

"Listen Harley," he gained on me stepping in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. "You're right, I don't know you, and I am a stranger, and I did take you against your will, but I'm pretty smart to see and understand that you were in need of help. Those weirdoes wanted something from you; what? I don't know, and I know you don't know either."

I cross my arms looking away.

"I did what I thought was right. Excuse me if that meant going against your wills and decisions."

I push him back frowning. "Just stay away from me."

Beginning to walk, his grasps takes hold of my arm again, refraining me from moving.

"Let me go!"

"Listen, we're gonna have to get along, seeing that we're stuck here and what not; till I find a way to get us out. So in the mean time, why don't you just..."

My vision got blurry, my body felt numb and lightheaded.

"Calm down."

I blinked slowly, soon falling unconscious.

A Couple Hours Later

I groaned awake, raising up off the couch I was laying on.

"Ugh, my head, wha-"

"How do you feel?" He says, entering the living room with a cup.

"Like you knocked me out." I say bitter.

He presses his lips together, "right, anyways I brought you some water, found us a place to crash."

"How did you knock me out? You were just holding my wrist."

"That's not important. Oh, and no need to thank me, I carried you inside and laid you to rest; you're really heavy by the way."

"Glad I gave you a struggle. Where are we? A medieval castle?" I ask glancing around, taking slow sips of water.

"Actually it's a boarding school, turned into a mansion. Two annoying vampire brothers lived here. Damòn and Stefàn Salvatore." He says taking a seat.

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