"Yes you did phone him, but it was too late. You didn't inform him of the plans changing, and you know how he reacts when the plans suddenly change and he wasn't informed of it."

"I know." I let out a long breath.

"I will say this...The words that your father used...what he said about you...I know he was angry, but he had no right to say such spiteful words about you."

"Well he had no right to explode at you!" I remark.

"I did tell him that you could have a lot on your plate right now, but he didn't seem to care about that." I can hear my mother's voice starting to break.

I start to speak, but my mother speaks up over me. "You know...speaking to your father last night is further proof as to why I divorced him."

"Amongst other reasons." I add.

"Like leaving me for someone who is younger and skinny...and is still skinny after having 2 children."

"Well you deserve much more than dad, mom. He didn't see your potential." I can feel my blood boiling just thinking about my parent's divorce. It was not fair. I can still remember the day my dad walked out on my mother. It was depressing to see what my mother had to endure after the divorce.

"Well we won't get into the reasons anymore than we have already. I know you like to spend time with her children."My mother explains.

"That may be true, but she isn't you mom."

"Oh honey -"

"She may have 2 lovely children, but I would rather spend a day with you instead."

I can feel tears forming around my eyes. Now I want to hug my mother.

"My sweetheart..." I can hear my mother's voice breaking again.

"Please don't cry mom! I will start to cry too!"

"I can't help it my dear. You said you want to spend a day with me instead."

"You are my mother. No other person is going to replace you or take your place. Dad's partner maybe a mother figure to me, but she is not my mother. You are. You will always be my mother." I weep.

"We will spend a day together. I promise."My mom snivels.

I hope my mother will keep to her promise. Work is usually my mother's main priority, so I have learned to take what she says with a pinch of salt. I want to spend some time with her. I did not lie to my mother about that, but I hope that she will keep to her promise.

Ransom returned home in the early afternoon - with no lipstick stains - after I spoke to my mother. Ransom asked - more like ordered - me to go running with him, so I decided to take Sheila with us because I didn't have a chance to take her out yet.

Ransom told me about an event that Harlan will be hosting, and that Harlan wishes for me to attend. It's an event for aspiring authors and authors who have just released a book. Harlan would also invite his publishers as well, and I know Harlan wants me to meet them.

Its tomorrow and I would need to find an outfit. Ransom mentioned that he wants to accompany me - assuming that I would go, but I probably will.

I know he wouldn't attend unless there was something in it for him, but what would he get out of the deal? I try not to think about that right now because my mind goes to one lady in particular. I will allow my anxiety to kick in tomorrow instead.

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