chapter one

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"Put it down NOW." I half shouted sternly at Ethan. The lighter still in his hand, was right in front of the cigarette hanging from his mouth. His blue ocean eyes stared into my soul for hours it felt like. He must've caught me gawking at his beauty because he quietly whispered, "you're drooling." I snapped out of my longing gaze and slowly turned up my head to stare at him, my neck stretching so far due to his unbelievable height. I snatched the lung cancer out of mouth and threw it hard on the ground, I stomped on it to prove a point.
He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, he knew how to get me. I looked away and tried to focus on something else, I saw a family walking their dog, a baby husky it seemed like. Then I began to let my mind wander to facts about huskies. How they have different colored eyes sometimes and how more times then not, their fur is soft but rough, like porcupine spikes and how-
"Lilith Mae Taylor." Ethan said calm but loud enough to get my attention. Before I acknowledged him, I remembered how I used to hate my name when I was little. I watched supernatural and there was a very powerful demon named Lilith. I didnt want to be named after a demon. I focused on him again, he took the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Throw it." He said with a smirk. "What?" I replied somewhat puzzled. "Throw it into the grass or the concrete, even the road! throw it. I know you want to."
I looked down at the pack of cigarettes and I pulled one out. I threw the pack into the grass except the one. He looked at me with his eyes narrowed and head titled. "Why that one?" He asked. "Well when you're gone or im gone. When we die. We will have this one cigarette. We will look back to this moment, the moment I threw that pack of disgusting diseases into the grass. That will be a wonderful memory."
"Memory." Ethan repeated. Oh the memories we would have together.

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