Fake it till you make it-ch7

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Usnavi pov:

I saw that Vanessa was calling me so naturally I picked up.

I was greeted by crying and heavy breathing.

"Vanessa! She-she"

"Hey relax whoever this is, deep breaths."

"Someone shot her! And they won't let me in the ambulance! I saw you on her emergency list so I called and, she's on her was to the hospital!"

"Who is this?" I said putting my shoes on not bothering with a coat.

"Peggy schuyler!"

"Ok where are you?"

"I just started driving I'm on my way to the hospital!"

"Ok, I'll meet you there."

"Stay on the phone please!" She begged.

"Of course."

I got in my truck and started driving.

"What hospital?"



"I'm at the front desk I'm going to hang up." She said, and before I could answer the line went dead.
I finally made it and saw her, her sisters, and Nina sitting in waiting room chairs.

"Hello sir how can I-"

"Vanessa García! I'm here for Vanessa García."

"We can only let family and significant others in. What is your relationship to ms García?"

"I'm- I'm her fiancé! Yes, I'm her fiancé." The girls all whipped their heads around and tried to act natural, because they all know damn well I'm not her fiancé.

"Alright, she's in room 315."

"Have a fun time lover boy." Angelica Schuyler teased.

"I'll try."

I walked into her room and saw a young man with curly hair talking to her.
They looked rather similar, both with olive skin, dark brown almost black hair, brown eyes.

"Van, you know I'm right." He said grabbing her hand.

"I know I know you're right Frankie ." She replied laughing. "Usnavi?"

"That's me."

"How in the hell did they let you in?"

"I'm your fake fiancé now." I said while sitting down.

"Great I'm stuck with you." She said shoving my chest. "Frankie, this is my roommate Usnavi. Usnavi, this is my cousin Frankie."

"Pleasure, mr Usnavi." The man now known as 'Frankie' said. His voice was soft, sounding like honey, and had a light Hispanic accent.

"Pleasure is mine."

"I'm going to have to ask you two to step out so I can speak with ms García." A doctor said from the doorway.
We both left and her cousin looked me up and down.
"You like her don't you?" He asked.

"What? Me? No. Never! I mean she's really pretty and smart and amazing and oh my god you're right." I said looking at him with wide eyes.

"She's like a little sister to me, we've been together since birth. You treat her like a god damn goddess and nothing less, got it?"

"Got it. And have you seriously been with her since birth? I'm sure y'all weren't born together." I joked. He raised on eyebrow before speaking.

"I was born two days before her. My first word was Vanessa, hers was Frankie. We came here together. We got the same first job in America together. Need I go on?"

"Nope got it thanks." I said giving him a thumbs up.

"How is she? What happened? Is she ok?" Nina asked as soon as we came into view.

"She's ok, she got shot in the leg." Frankie said.
Eliza pressed her cross necklace to her lips and mouthed a few words silently.
(Vanessa pov)

I walked into the dorm with a few grocery bags in my arms.

"Navi! Can you come help me put this shit away!"
No response.
"Usnavi I know you're home!"
Still nothing.
I pressed my ear to his door and heard nothing so I let myself in.
He was just laying there, bare skinned under his sheets.
"What." He said looking up at me as I walked in.

"What's your problem?"

"Everything. What do you want."
I sat on the bed next to him and he just laid there staring at me.
"You can tell me what's wrong." I said grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently.

"No. No I can't. Thanks, but no."
I laid next to him, making sure I was on TOP of the sheets and grabbed both of his hands.

"Why not?"

"Because you're going to view me way differently if I do tell you."

"Usnavi, just tell me." I pushed.
He just kissed me softly.

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