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A/n so I feel like I need to explain some shit so:
-this is after the cookie thing
-they kinda have a friends with benefits thing (they sleep together)
-she's falling for him
-(he's falling for her but she don't needa know that yet)
Vanessa pov:

I saw a girl I recognized from leaving my dorm.
Don't know her name, but I do know that she's sleeping around with a certain someone I live with even though she has a boyfriend.
She was on the phone, so naturally I listened in.

"Are you serious?! You can't just leave me! After everything?! Fuck you!" She yelled into her phone.
Eh. Tough love babes. Try not cheating, then go from there. You can expect less of a breakup.

(Time skip)

"So Nina, where exactly are you taking me again?"

"To meet a friend, I think you'll like her."

We got let into a girls dorm and she sat on the couch tapping her foot on the ground while sobs came from another room.

"Hey mikey!"

"Oh hey Nina. Now might not be the best time, she needs me right now."

"We can help! Can't we nes?"

"Oh! Um sure?"

We walked into a bed room where the same girl from earlier, Rachel, cried on her bed.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked, knowing her problem.

"He dumped me!" She cried.

"Well, long distance is hard and-"

"No not Andy, Usnavi de la Vega dumped me!" She cried, my heart sank. "He said he loved me!! He said I was all he needed! He said that I was the most gorgeous girl he would ever find! Said I was beautiful when I sang and danced! Said I was the one for him! Such fucking bullshit."

"I love you, you know that?"


"All I need is you babygirl."

No no no.

"You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever and probably the prettiest one I ever will see."


"Go you are so hot when you sing and dance."

This isn't happening.

"You are the one for me. None of those other girls. You."

I can't believe this.

"I-I have to go. I have to do something." I said before running out.

I can't believe him.
That fucking bastard.
I was just another make out girl to him.
Just something for him to play with when he's stressed.
And nothing more.
I let myself in a shut myself in my bedroom.
I cried for hours on end till I wore myself dry.
"Babygirl! I'm back!"
My heart dropped to my knees.
I scrambled to my commuter to look busy.
He knocked on my bedroom door a couple times.
"Baby can I come in."

Oh hell no// in the heightsWhere stories live. Discover now