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A/n translations are in parentheses, let me know if my Spanish is off I'm still a beginner.

Usnavi and Vanessa watched Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban every Friday, it was tradition.
Usnavi was looking for the dvd and Vanessa came out in her pajamas to help him find it.
She had just a white beater on with plad pajama pants.
Her hair was slightly curly and was in a long thin ponytail and she had black square glasses.
"What are you looking at?" She said laughing at him staring at her.
Telling the truth, she felt good when he stared at her.
Not like she would tell him that.
"I like your hair. You look pretty."

"My hair? That's what it naturally looks like, I just usually have it straight."

"You look nice." He said smiling and grabbing the movie.

"¡Adelante con la película!" She said waving her hand and laughing.
He sat next to her as the movie started.
She gently leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist not realizing what she was doing.
But friends cuddle right?
Two platonic people cuddle watching a movie they watch every Friday because they both love it and they also both love each other but can't seem to admit it.
If most don't, whatever.
Two friends can do what they want.
It's their friendship.
(V pov)
The movie was about half way in when the power went out.
"Great." Usnavi said looking up.
"I'll grab some candles."
I lit the candles in the kitchen I always kept there, just for a homey vibe.
He lit some wood in the fire place and I sat down in front of it.
"You have lovely eyes." I said smiling.
We sat on the couch in silence, both with our hands folded in our laps.
My phone rang so I grabbed it to answer.

"Bueno margarita ."

"Bueno. don't call me margarita, Vanessa otilía."

"Whatever. What's up peggy."

"Power our at your place too?"

"Sí, we just lit some candles up. You need anything?"

"Sí, come over, necesitamos hablar." She said whistling. (Yes, we need to talk)

"Muy bien. I'll see you in a few, bye peg."

"See ya." She said hanging up.

"I'm going to a friend's, bye." I said standing up.

"Ok, have fun."

I left the dorm not needing a flashlight because the windows were open and it was only six o'clock in the morning.
I let myself into Peggy's form using my spare key.

"Welcome back to my hell hole amor!" Peggy shouted from the kitchen.

"Valle margarita, my roommate keeps getting sus that I come here so often."

"Don't call me margarita. And why do you care about a fuckboy's opinion of you?"

"I said valle."

"Right. Speaking of the fucker, I think you like him!"

"Do not." I defended.

"Do too. I've heard some interesting noises coming from your dorm when you said you were there, and were no where to be seen." She said picking her nails.

"What are you implying." I replied leaning against her counter.

"Don't play dumb with me Vanessa."

"I'll play however I please."

"If you choose to play that way, I'm implying that you slept with him a few times and caught feelings."

"You keep your mouth clamped bout this Peggy." I said pointing at her. "I may be in love with him."

"I fucking knew it! I promise I won't tell, not even my sisters." She smiled and stuck her pinky out.
I shook her pinky and clasped it tight.

"I'm gonna head back, take a nap." I said hugging her.

"Have a nice nap Bitch. I love you."

"Love you too. Margarita." I said before closing the door.


I wasn't paying attention to what was happening and honestly really should have been.
Because when you don't pay attention, you don't notice that someone is about to shoot you.
I felt a bullet go through my stomach and I hit a wall.
I saw Peggy run out and rush to my side.
Then I saw nothing

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