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Vanessa pov:

Nina sat in my dorm rambling about some cute guy her dad hired as I did her hair.

"And he was SO polite! He literally said, 'well you must be the stunning Nina Rosario.'"

"What does he look like?" I asked tieing her hair up.

"Tall, curly black hair, light brown skin, muscular, brown eyes, yeah."

"What's his name?"

"Benny Jackson."

"Bitch I know him! We grew up in the Bronx together! I'll give you his number, you want his number?" I said getting my phone out.

"Girl, yes!"

"Ok it's..."

(Time skip)(texting so no pov but it'll be Vanessa still after)


Usnavi: Vanessaaaaaaa
Me: ugh what
Usnavi: can you get me coffee on your way back from  class
Me: give me three good reasons as to why you deserve coffee and I should view you high enough to buy you coffee
Usnavi: uh
Usnavi: 1. I want coffee 2. I need coffee to stay awake       3. I want coffee
Me: those are terrible reasons
Me: what type of coffee to you want
Usnavi: where are you getting it?
Me: starbucks
Usnavi: venti chai latte with five espresso shots
Me: kk you owe me four bucks
Usnavi: yes ma'am
Me: don't call me ma'am it's weird
Usnavi: sorry ma'am
Me: call me ma'am one more time and I will punch you in the back of the head so hard your teeth will fall out and I will force feed them to you
Usnavi: my apologies ma'am

(Time skip)

"Here's your stupid ass fucking tea coffee shit."

"Thank you beautiful." He said grabbing it.

"What did you just call me?"


"Can't just be grateful I got you Starbucks with out being a flirt?"

"No I really can't, babygirl."

"Oh. My. God." I said turning away as red as a tomato.

"Awe, you like little pet names princess?"

"Stop!" I said as he grabbed my waist.

"Make me baby." I just stood there lost for words as he laughed at me.

"Awe what's wrong darling?"

"Nothing! Just- I- ugh!"

"Nothing you just ugh?" He said laughing.

"Shut the fuck up."

"I said it once and I'll say it again, make me babygirl."

So, how do you do that?
Shove them down on the couch kissing them.

(Time skip)

I laid on his bare chest sighing.

"Damn you and your stupid charms." I said laughing.

"Oh you know you like it."

"Never said I didn't."

"Get up I have class in a half hour." He said moving me.

"Why must you leave meeee,"

"Because I have class in a half hour needy." He said sitting up. "I'll come give you attention when I'm done."


(Time skip)

I stood in the kitchen baking cookies because, murder is illegal.
I frosted icing onto my heart shaped cookies.
The red green and yellow ones all said heather and the blue ones said veronica.
Proud of my cookies, I let them dry and read a book.

"I'm back." Usnavi said sitting on the couch next to me.

"Good." I said flinging onto him. "I need someone to be clingy with."

"Ooh, something smells good."

"I made heathers cookies."

"What the fuck are heathers cookies?"

"Exactly what they sound like, heathers cookies." I saw the look of utter confusion on his face still remained despite my explanation. "Cookies from the musical and movie heathers?"

"Heathers is trash but I'm going to eat your cookies because you are an amazing cook."

"You disrespect me, you disrespect my culture, and you expect a god damn cookie?"

"Yes, yes I do baby."

"Fuck no you ain't gettin a cookie."

"Then what are you going to do with them because I know damn well your scrawny ass ain't gonna eat a batch of cookies." I smacked the coffee table till I found my phone, dropped in, picked it back up, repeat cycle a couple times till I finally got it.

"I will call all of my friends because you ain't getting a singe damn cookie."

"Put them on speaker I want proof."
So I dialed Eliza first.
Three rings, her signature move, and she picked up.

"Helloooo!" She sang in her melodic voice

"Hey bets! I made cookies, you, ange, and pegs want some?"

"Totally! Well, if they don't want any, I do!" She said laughing.

"Alright I'll bag some up for you."

"Why are you calling? You usually just put it in the group chat."

"My asshole roommate needs proof that I am giving away these cookies because his dumb ass ain't getting a single lick of one."

"Alrighty! Do you want me to come pick them up or you gonna drop em off? Actually can I come pick them up?"

"Sure! Tell me when you're coming, I gotta call everyone still."

"Alright! See you Nessa!"

"Bye bye Liz."

A/n the next chapter, shit finna go DOWN
But that will be later when I get it dealt with.



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