Chapter 5

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"Yibo!" Xiao Zhan dropped to his knees next to the tub and patted Yibo's cheek while lifting his upper body up from the soap-clouded water in one arm, then with a shaking hand, tried to check for his pulse. "Wang Yibo... wake up!"

A pulse was there, that he can tell, but he was no expert and couldn't make what to do with it. Xiao Zhan can hear his own heart hammering in his chest.

"Yibo! Wake up!" He tapped Yibo's cheek repeatedly. He wanted to get him out of the water but his knees felt a little wobbly. He decided to shake his shoulder instead. "Fuck Yibo! Please!" He was practically yelling, shaking Yibo harder. He needed to call for emergency help but he can't leave him. What did Yibo do? Xiao Zhan wanted to check the pill bottles on his sink counter but that would mean putting Yibo down.

A short groan pulled Xiao Zhan out of his very disorganized thoughts.

"Yibo?" Xiao Zhan pushed his hair back, away from his face. "Open your eyes, Yibo. Come on, wake up."

This time, Yibo's head stirred a bit before he elicited an almost pained moan. Xiao Zhan felt an ounce of relief watching Yibo's brows draw in together and his lips part to move, although no sound came out.

He called on his name a few more times. "Please open your eyes and look at me." He repeated when Yibo began to squirm a little in his arms. Xiao Zhan lifted him higher, held him tighter. "Yibo, hey... Look at me."

Yibo whimpered as he very slowly opened his eyes. "L-Laoshi..." He reached for his temples.

Xiao Zhan released the breath he didn't realize he was holding in. "Wang Yibo, you asshole. You scared me." Xiao Zhan whispered.

Trying to straighten up, Yibo looked around them. "What happened?" He looked disoriented.

Xiao Zhan helped him sit up. "I don't know. You tell me. I dozed off and when I woke up I realized you've been in here too long. I panicked a little." He admitted. "Especially when you didn't respond... And the door was locked."

Yibo then stared at him.

"I got so scared when I saw the pill bottles by the sink. And you weren't getting up when I barged in..." He didn't finish. He couldn't finish what he was saying. "I-I thought you..."

Yibo's eyes widened, knowing what Xiao Zhan was thinking. "I..." His eyes wondered towards the bathroom wall. "I was in pain. A little dizzy, and I was starting to feel early signs of flu, so I checked your drawers for medicine. I was gonna put them back after I--"

"It's okay, Yibo."

"Sorry. I didn't think I was gonna pass out from it. I'm just very tired and I really don't feel good. I think I felt too comfy when I soaked in and the medicine took effect." Yibo drew his knees up against his body. "Also, I haven't been sleeping right lately, because I'm trying to avoid them at home." He explained, probably referring to his mother and father. "Even when I got home from work, I'd wait outside until they're asleep. Then in the morning, I leave early, before they wake up." Yibo reached out to him. "I'm sorry if I worried you."

Xiao Zhan shook his head. "It's okay." He brushed the back of his hand on Yibo's cheek. "You're okay."

Yibo held his hand, pressing his cheek against it. He closed his eyes and when he opened them they glistened with unshed tears.

Xiao Zhan swallowed. He wanted to know. He wanted to know every heavy feeling that Yibo carried inside him. He needed to know. But first... He pulled his hand back and reached for the robe he took out earlier. "The water's gone cold, you should dry up and get dressed."

Yibo stared at him as he held out the robe. "Do you want me to get up now?"


"I'm good, laoshi. I can manage. Or do you want to--"

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