Chapter 24

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"My wife made sure everything you requested is done before you arrive."

"Thank you, Uncle." Xiao Zhan let Yibo step inside the house before him. "Give me your bag, I'll take care of it." Xiao Zhan said to Yibo when they reached the living area.

"Actually, Zhan-zhan, can I trouble you for a little help?"

"Of course, Uncle. What do you need help with?"

"Well, you said you were planning to have your breakfast upon arriving and the supplies we brought here last night would only be enough for that. The rest of the fresh ingredients my wife bought for you are still at home."

"Hmn. That's okay. Maybe Yibo can come with you?" Xiao Zhan turned to Yibo at the question.

"Yeah, sure, Uncle. I'll go with you."

"Okay." The older man smiled fondly at Yibo. "Yibo and I will drop by the cellar and the winery to get the samples you asked for too, so I won't have to disturb you in the afternoon for it."

"Yes, that would be more efficient. I'm sure Yibo won't mind carrying the bottles for you." Xiao Zhan saw them out. "I'll lock this door. I'll be busy in the kitchen while you're gone. I will leave the door in the back porch open instead."


Yibo heard the humming as soon as he entered the dining area from the back porch. Just like the day before, when Xiao Zhan was in the kitchen back at home making breakfast. It was the same song. He stopped by the doorway to the kitchen to listen, holding the bag of supplies he carried against his chest.

"What are you doing there?" Good thing Xiao Zhan was fast enough to catch the bag when Yibo almost dropped it.

"I--" Yibo let Xiao Zhan take the bag from him. "I was just... I was checking if I brought everything with me. Uncle, only dropped me off. I told him to leave the bottles of wine by the back porch. I'll go get it."

Xiao Zhan was setting the dining area when Yibo came back with the bottles. "Food will be ready in a while. It's a bit humid outside, why don't you go freshen up and rest for a bit?"

"Sure." Yibo lowered the bottles at the empty side of the long table. He went to check the bags at the living area but finding that they weren't there, he came to Xiao Zhan again. "Laoshi, where are the bags?"

"Oh, I took everything up. Are you good to go upstairs by yourself?"

Not that Xiao Zhan needed to ask. He knows Yibo isn't comfortable going up by himself. Just the dark path to the stairs somewhat terrifies him. But he needs to toughen up for now. "I'll be fine."

"Alright." Xiao Zhan sounded a little skeptic. "Come back down in ten minutes. Food will be ready then."

Same feeling, same eerie stairs. Though there's something a little different on the way up compared to the last time they came. Other than the area didn't seem as dark as before, there was something else that wasn't the same. But Yibo wasn't interested in looking around, he just needed to get to his things, change into lighter clothing, and head back down.

Yibo passed by Xiao Zhan's room to check the other rooms that Xiao Zhan told him he could use the first time they went there. All the other rooms were locked though, so Yibo went back to the first room. His bag was there on the bed, just like Xiao Zhan's. Empty.

He checked the closet drawers they used before and indeed, all his clothes were already there, neatly arranged next to Xiao Zhan's. Yibo wondered if it meant he will share the room with Xiao Zhan again.

When he looked around the room after changing clothes, Yibo noticed there were books on one bedside table. Same books he had in the living room by the couch where he sleeps. He took one, flipped the pages and found the flower he kept from the bouquet Xiao Zhan gave him. Xiao Zhan must've grabbed them for him before they left.

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