Than they went for movies.........

At movies Leo was very much excited......It was a horror movie in tge whole movie Javier was too much scared

"Don't worry I am here with you......"Leo said while Javier held him......

Leo smiled......he is enjoying with him ....

Than when they came out of the theater.......

Javier is still scared.......and is holding Leo's hands

"Javier we are out of the theatre don't worry......"Leo said while smiling

Javier looked at him....


"I didn't knew that you were so scared of horror movies.....but why did you buy horror movie ticket....."Leo said

"You liked horror movies right......"Javier said

"Because of me you buy these tickets...."Leo said

"It's not a big just come with me we will have dinner together......"Javier said

Than Javier and Leo went to a restaurant.......Than they ate the food

"Javier it was one of the best days of my life.....I really enjoyed it...."Leo said

Inbetween Leo saw something which made him angry......

Javier looked at what Leo is looking .....he is looking at Marcus who came there with some girl and they were kissing.......suddenly all the enviroment changed completely......

Leo ran towards Marcus.......Javier followed him.....

Marcus seeing Leo suddenly felt shocked......

"So what are you doing?Because of you my whole life have ruined and you are cheating with someone else!!!"Leo shouted

"Marcus who is that boy?and what he is saying?"The girl asked to Marcus

"No one.....just a fog_ot who is interested in me......I rejected him so many times but he just keep following me....."Marcus said

Javier held Marcus's collar

"What the fu_k you are saying?"Javier said

Than that girl went from there

Marcus pushed Javier.....Than he looked at Leo who is crying

"Let's talk somewhere else......"Marcus said while looking around......

Leo nodded and followed him....

Javier also followed them.....

Than they both went inside a bar where they always used to visit.....

"Only you and me....."Marcus said while entering the bar

Actually at this time nobody is in the bar and it's there common friend's bar......

"You wait here....."Leo said

Javier held Leo's hand.....

"Do you want me to come?"

"No....just stay here....."Leo said with a sad face

"See if he misbehaves with you just you call my name I will come there....just remember I am here....."Javier said and to this Leo smiled

"I know....."Leo said and went inside

Than after 1 hour Marcus came out without Leo

"Where is Leo?"Javier asked but Marcus didn't replied and ge went from there

Javier rushed inside.....he is frightened suddenly he found out Leo who is sitting and drinking.....he is fully drunk.....

"Give me more......"Leo said

"Leo you have already drunk too much....."Bartender said

"Just give me....."Leo said

"Leo are you okay?"Javier asked and held him

"I am....I am.....I just want to drink....."Leo said

Javier held his hand and pulled him than he take him in his arms.....

"Just leave me.......I want to drink....."Leo said

"Just be silent.....we are going back to our home......"Javier said

"Our home....."Leo said

"Yes our home....."Javier said

Than Leo and Javier reached home......

Leo is too much drunk.....So Javier took him in his arms and take him to bed

Than he put Leo on bed....

And than he was about to go.....

"You are also leaving me right......"Leo said in drunk state

"No I am here only....."

"You are lying.....Marcus said that nobody can love me......he said that I am just a looser .......he is right....."Leo said

"You are not.......You are just a lovable person......anybody will fall in love with you....."Javier said

"Really......"Leo said while coming close to Javier

Javiers heart is beating too fast........

Leo's face is fully red because of the drunken state......

Than Leo fall to bed.......Javier was about to leave when Leo pulled him....and kissed him.......

Their lips met.......Javier's eyes are widened.....And Leo's face is fully red....

After sometime.....

Javier pushed Leo......and was about to leave as he know that this is wrong.....

"See you also felt diagusted because of a disgusting person like  me......"Leo said in drunken state while crying

Javier stopped.....and came back

"Leo you are not disgusting......"Javier said

"Than come near me......"Leo said and pulled him

Leo again kissed him......

Javier than again put him to bed and  started going.....

"See I am disgusting right....."Leo said

"You are not......"Javier said while stopping

"Than prove it......."Leo said while pulling him

Javier looked at the red face of Leo....his eyes,his lips........This time Javier can't control himself and started kissing him......

Than he kissed his collarbone......Leo removed his clothes and than he removed Javier's clothes......

Than Leo kissed Javier all over his body.....he actually have bitten him.....

And Javier also can't control himself......

Javier removed Leo's underwear and than he stopped......

Javier looked at Leo......

"It's are in a drunken state....."Javier said

Leo pulled him and kissed him

"Don't think too much just do it Javier I can't control myself......"Leo shouted

"I am about to enter......"Javier said

"Just do it.....Javier..."Leo said

Than Javier entered him

"Ahhh......Ahh....ahhh.....Do it.....yes.....I like it......Ahhhh...."Leo moaned

All night they made love together although Leo is drunk but for first time in his life he is with someone who will really love him and who will never cheat him and also who will be his life partner.....See what happens next.......

-To be continued

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