Someone for me

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Note-This chapter contains mature content

Leo woke up late.........he was too exhausted that he slept for longer.....he looked around in shock and than realised that he is in Javier's home than he remember about yesterday's night which made him sad.Than he felt a hand on his is of Javier....

"Don't worry everything will be alright......"Javier said

"Thankyou for supporting me......"Leo said

"It's alright Leo....Just forgot all this.....I have prepared breakfast for you.....let's eat together....."

"I am not hungry......"Leo said

"See Leo I know that you are hungry don't just punish yourself for no were not wrong.....I know......this...."Javier said

"You are right......I am really hungry...."Leo said while holding his tummy and smiling...

Javier also smiled than they both ate breakfast together

"You cook so well....."Leo said while eating

"Thanks......"Javier said while smiling

Leo was thinking something after breakfast

Javier looked at him.......

"Thinking about your school......"

"How do you know?"Leo said

"I can guess....."

"See Javier after yesterday everyone will know about me so I.......I.....I don't know what to do?"Leo said

"Don't worry I will see what I can do about it you don't need to worry about it........For some days you can skip your school if you want......"

"But for how many days I can avoid my school....."Leo said

"Don't think about it.......I will do something for don't need to worry....."Javier said

"Thanks......"Leo said

After sometime

"Aren't you going to your office?"Leo asked

"Today I will not go...."Javier said

"You don't need to skip your office because of me...."Leo said

"I am not skipping because of you.....Because I want to go to movies today....and amusement park and many more place so that's why I am not going......"Javier said

"What?"Leo asked

"Yes and I want your company......"Javier said

"Javier I don't want to go........"Leo said

"See Leo if you will remain here than you will remember all the bad things that had just come with me and just forget about all this....."Javier said

Leo thought for sometime

"Please.......please....please....."Javier said

"Ok....ok....let's go....."Leo said

Than Leo and Javier went to the amusement park......they both enjoyed the ride

"I didn't knew you like the rides...."Leo said

"Actually I used to enjoy it but in my teens my parents didn't have that much money so I can't enjoy the rides...than when we got success......I am always busy in factories so.......I wasn't able to enjoy......."Javier said

Leo looked at him.......and held his hand

"It's okay......let's just enjoy.....forget about all this....."Leo said

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