Day 2- Coronation Day (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: fluff, swearing, love, crutch, stuff like that<33

(May 5th, 6:00 am)


"What in the fucking hell is this?!" 

I opened my eyes lazily as I gripped the front of Aang's shirt tighter. "Shut the fucking hell up," I mumbled. Aang's arm wrapped around my waist as I snuggled closer into him. It's too early to be yelled at right now. 

"No, this isn't gonna be a thing!" 

The blankets were suddenly thrown off of me, making me open my eyes and look up at Aang. He was still half asleep, his eyes shut and his clothing wrinkled. He pulled me back into his chest, mumbling something into my hair. 

"What's not gonna be a thing, Sokka?" My brother started hitting Aang with a pillow, making me dump water on him. "Hey!" Aang smiled as we both sat up on the bed. "You and Katara cuddling isn't gonna be a fucking thing!" I blushed as I turned away from Aang, who was rubbing the back of his neck slightly. 

"I felt dizzy after being in the Avatar State for so long and collapsed in her arms while she was carrying me to my room," Aang replied. "I didn't want to leave him alone because I was worried, so I took him here," I finished. 

"It better not be more than that," Sokka growled. I rolled my eyes as I got back under the covers. Suki walked over next to Sokka and pecked him on the cheek, pulling on his clothes. "Come on, babe, it's only 6 am. Let's go back to sleep." 

Aang shot up and screamed, "it's six?!" I looked out the window and nodded. "Yeah, Aang, it is." He widened his eyes and held my hand. I looked into his eyes. "Aang, get back down," I coaxed. "Katara, Zuko's coronation is at 7!" he screamed. I widened my eyes as I looked at him. He smiled, squeezed my hand, and ran out of the room, shutting the door behind him. 

I sighed and got up, walking over the small bag full of my clothes. My dad had a bag of Sokka and I's stuff sent to us here. We finally get to see him today without worrying about any stupid war. I'm so happy that it's finally over. And that Aang's alive and safe. 

I walked over to my mirror and picked up my hair detangler, spraying it into my hair and then handing my comb and running it through my curls. I sighed as I looked into my own eyes in my reflection. 

Is everything going to be okay between Aang and I?

I mean I don't think he likes me. 

I don't think so, at least. 

I mean, he hints that he does a lot. 

Who the hell am I fucking kidding? He admitted it to me multiple times and I did, too. I know that damn fucking well. But I don't know if he still does. After that Avatar damn play I don't know anything anymore. Why did I pull away from him? I know I wanted that kiss so fucking badly. What is wrong with me.


I turned to the door to find Aang standing there. Once I looked at him, he looked me up and down in awe. I blushed and giggled. "Nothing, what?" He snapped out of whatever he was in and look in my eyes. "You..." He smiled and looked down at the floor. "You look fucking perfect." I blushed and looked down at the floor as he looked up at me. 

"You said what're wrong with you, no?" I raised my eyebrow. "I said that in my head." He shrugged. "Weird." I smiled as he held out his hand to me. I took it and smiled as he started to turn around. "Wait." 

I walked into one of my bags and pulled out a small necklace, holding it to him as he gaped at it. "You still have this?" he laughed, holding it in his own hands. It was the necklace he made me after I lost my mom's- when Zuko took it. I nodded and grinned. "Of course I do, Aang. Why wouldn't I?" He just looked at it, laughing and shaking his head. "You're amazing, Katara."

I blushed as he handed it back to me, our fingers lingering on each other's. Once I put it next to my hair comb, his hand was extended to me again. This time, I took it and let him lead me to the living room, our fingers locked. 

"Bro- what he hell? No. Aang, drop her hand," Sokka snapped. I rolled my eyes as Aang sighed, slowly releasing my hand. I frowned at my brother, who grabbed my arm in one hand and his crutch in the other, almost pulling me out the door. "Fucking Spirits, Sokka! Let me say goodmorning to her!" Suki laughed as she pulled me into a hug. 

I rolled my eyes and hugged her back tightly before breaking off once more. Sokka smiled lightly. "We'll be with my dad. When you're ready to meet him bring the crew and join us." Suki nodded and waved to us, Aang following, before my brother and I walked out of the room. 

Sokka and I roamed around for a few minutes, trying to figure out where the hell our dad was. Seriously, there are so many people here. In the Fire Nation. The world really has changed. This is so amazing. 

Oh, there he is!

"Dad!" I screamed, leaving Sokka on his crutch to follow me. I jumped into him while he hugged me, Sokka coming up and joining us. "I heard what you two did. I am the proudest father in the world," he whispered. I smiled and buried my face into his chest. This is the first time I ever get to see him without worrying about the damn war. 

And I helped ended it. 

"And you mother would be, too." 

I couldn't help but reach up to my necklace, letting a small tear fall. She would be proud. I know it. I smiled as I turned back to the stage to Zuko up there. 

He's really changed, that's for sure. I mean, he was trying to kill us barely 3 months ago. It's insane. I can't believe he saved our asses. And helped me almost kill the man who killed my mom. 

I'm proud of him. And that's something I never thought I'd ever say. Because he's Zuko, the now Firelord. And that's something.

But then again, we did end the war. And I can't wrap my head around that, either. 

And then Aang came out. 

I grinned as I felt my heart flutter. He's literally so amazing. I'm so in love, oh my A... Spirits. Let's not let him hear my thoughts. Well, I think that's how it works. That's how it works, right? I don't know, I'm not an Avatar-

I looked into his eyes once again. With Gyatso's necklace on and everything, the full fancy outfit. Damn it, he looked good. Sokka must've seen me staring, through, because he punched me in he back. I froze his feet to the floor as my dad and I laughed, him groaned and trying to get out of it. 

I stared into Aang's grey eyes, waiting for him to look back at me. As if that would ever happen. But it did, to my surprise. He looked into my eyes and smiled, showing me something I've never experienced in a relationship. 


I looked back at his eyes and trie to tell him everything I could before he turned away. That I was sorry for the play. That he was more than just a "sweet little guy, just like Momo." I tried to tell him that I'm fucking in love with him. 

<<<<<<<<1294 words>>>>>>>>

I told you guys I woujold get it out as soon as I can. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to update last week, my life isn't working out how i wish it would ☠ almost got sent to the er today lmfaoo

hope yall liked this little fluff tension chap<3

Much love xx -Ema

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