Day 3- How To Tell (part 2)

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Warning! Contains:

(May 6th, 3:00 pm)


I turned around to see Azula and glared daggers into her skull. Fire burned through my skin, not being able to contain my anger. I picked up my fingers and bent them down, Azula groaning as she came down with them. I smirked. I felt alive. She's not gonna hurt him again. 

Zuko's hand landed on my shoulder and he looked at me deeply. I let go of my glare as I looked into his eyes, realizing I just bloodbent his sister. Shit. "Take care of him." I released my grip on Aang and knelt down next to him, using some spare water to heal the scar on his shoulder. 

Zuko grabbed Azula by the arms and put them behind her back. "Come on, sis. You're going back to the mental hospital." She groaned, "come on, Zuzu, can't we have some sort of agreement here? I mean... you let me be Firelord, and I'll kill you. Simple!" 

I sighed as he took her away, finally having some peace and quiet. I let a single tear escape my eye, and then another, and another, and another, and before I knew it I was crying and sniffling, trying to wake Aang up. "Come on, Yue," I whispered with a small sniffle, "please." 

Once I said that, the water turned bright white. I started trying to intensify the healing as I turned back to Mai. "Can you get me a cup of saltwater, a damp towel, and some gauze and tape please?" She nodded and walked back into the castle. 

After a few minutes, I saw Zuko walking back and Mai walking out. The two gave each other a small peck before Zuko ruffled my hair and walked into the castle. "Ring if you need anything, sis." I smiled at him weakly before taking the saltwater from Mai. 

"Thanks." She nodded and placed the stuff on the floor, walking back inside. I sighed, using the saltwater as healing water so his cut wouldn't get infected. He started shaking and I smiled, knowing that he woke up. 

"Ouch- Tara, what're you doing?" I smiled and leaned down, giving his lips a small peck. "Did you take the shot for me?" He nodded, trying to sit up. I helped him, turning his left shoulder to me so I could heal it. "Why?" 

He rolled his eyes. "You know why. Now shut up. How deep is it?" I looked at it from the side and winced. "Almost to your bone. Aang, never do that again." He smirked and I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully at him. 

"How's that?" He nodded, "good. Barely feel anything. Why, we done yet?" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yes. Let me wrap it up and we can go inside." He smiled and leaned over to kiss me lightly. I pecked him back before we broke off. 

After I wrapped up his arm I threw the saltwater over the supporters as mist, and then turned around to the front door and helped Aang walk over to them. He had lost a lot of blood- could barley keep balance. I let him wrap his arm around me and supported him as he limped over to the door. 

I knocked on it and heard a guard say, "Who wishes to enter the Royal Palace?" Then another asked, "Do you have an invitation or a meeting?" I roll my eyes.

"It's Avatar Aang, open the doors," Aang weakly states from beside me. He grunts and I felt a pang of guilt, looking over to make sure he's okay. He smiled at me and I frowned, biting the inside of my cheek. 

The doors opened but two guards put their swords in front of my face before I could enter, almost cutting off my nose. "The Avatar can enter, who are you?" the one on the right asks. I sigh, biting my cheek harder before letting it go. 

"I am Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, let me in," I state. "We do not know who you are. Please leave immediately." What the hell is this. "No, Aang needs to go inside." They glared at me. "You may not enter the Royal Palace." 

"ZUKO!!! AANG WOKE UP AND YOUR GUARDS WON'T LET ME IN!!!!" I screamed, trying to get the Firelord's attention.

"You are not permitted to ask for the Firelord if you do not have a permit. You will be thrown in jail," a guard said. "ZUKO! GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP! THEY'RE THROWING ME IN JAIL!" I didn't let go of Aang. He collapsed, and I fell before him, breaking his fall. He had lost too much blood.

"She's with me," Aang whispered. No one could hear him. "ZUKO! SOKKA! SUKI! TOPH! GET Y'ALL'S LAZY ASSES UP!" I screamed. "I'M BEING FUCKING ARRESTED!"

The guards continued to pull Aang away from me gently, but I kicked them away. The guard was about to land on Aang, but he grabbed a big breath and shoved himself away. Then I realize he landed on his scar.

"Fuck- Aang," I run over to my boyfriend and pick him up like a baby and ran inside the castle, gliding under the guards' swords.

"Hey! You do not have the proper authority to enter the castle! Get back here!" I ran as quickly as I could with Aang wincing and grunting in my arms. "Katara," he laughed, "put me down! I'm fine!" I rolled my eyes. 

"Zuko?! Zuko?! Where the fuck are you?!" I suddenly saw a person run up to me from my left, and I'd know that scar anywhere.

"Zuko!" I ran up to him and handed him Aang, who muttered, "I'm not a ragdoll!" Zuko raised his eyebrow as I said, "Your guards are trying to arrest me!" He sighed. "They don't know who the hell you are?" I shook my head. "Did you tell them?"

"Of course! They don't know who 'Katara of the Southern Water Tribe' is," I said. Zuko stopped his guards.

"Add her name in the book, bozos, then you're all fired. I quit, if you don't know the girl who took down my sister. But before you go, take those lunatics outside to prison. Got it?" I smiled as Aang groaned. "Put me the fuck down! I'm the Avatar, not some piece of shit!" 

Zuko let go of him and Aang rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Katara." I bit the inside of my cheek and from behind me, Sokka slapped my head. "Let go of your cheek. Aang, Katara, welcome home. What happened to 'hi, how are you, I made it home safe'?" 

I rolled my eyes as I released my cheek. "Shut the fuck up." Aang smiled. "Sokka, we gotta talk to you. You have a minute?" He nodded and walked to the living room, which was empty, and the two of us followed him. 

"Sokka we gotta tell you something," Aang admitted. "Yeah, what's up?" Sokka asked, worry in his eyes.




"Just kind of-" 

Aang and I turned to each other and blushed, looking back down at the floor. 

"A couple?" Sokka finished. I looked shocked. "Please don't kill me!" Aang flinched, blocking his face with his hands. Sokka just laughed. I water-whipped him and he rubbed his shoulder.

"You think I don't know? Jeez, you two are stupid. I don't really care, it's cute," he said. "But if you touch my sister, Mr. Avatar, you are going to be in big trouble, you hear me?" My eyes widened at this as Aang raised his eyebrow. 

"He's 13!" I said. Sokka laughed. "I know," he said. Aang just went, "I'm not gonna hurt her. Come on, Sokka." Sokka smiled. "Calm down, I know that." Then he sighed. 

I suddenly got a serious look on my face and Sokka asked me what's wrong. "If you would hurt Aang for touching me, what are you gonna do if we run into Psycho?" 

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bro i gotta study for a big ass test tmrw

see yall later

Much love xx -Ema

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