Day 2- Coronation Day (part 2)

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Warning! Contains:

(May 5th, 2:00 pm)


The coronation after party just ended, and Suki and I were in my room, talking and chilling. We talked a little bit about Tylee and Mai, and how they're nice now, and how Tylee's joining the Kyoshi Warriors. Sukis actually happy about it, she said that Tylee's really cool and a really nice person. I didn't doubt it, she definitely seemed like it. 

We also talked a lot about Aang and stuff like that. She wants to know where we stand now. I know she seems really pushy and shit, but honestly, I don't know if I could do this without her. She's my love coach. I know how happy she makes Sokka, and I just want that with Aang. I want to make him as happy as he makes me, as Suki makes Sokka. And that's saying something because Sokka doesn't have the best history with girlfriends. Yue turned into the moon and the girl before that... we don't talk about her at all. 

We shut up once we heard a small knock on my door. "Can I come in?" It was Aang. I nodded and Suki said, "yeah!" I was laying under the covers, cozy and cuddled, and she was criss-cross in front of me, her back to the door. Aang walked in and smiled. "Can I borrow her for a sec?" I nodded and Suki sighed, getting up. "I'll be back," she smiled as she walked out. 

"Hey," I whispered. He laughed as he replied with a simple "hey!" I giggled. "We're all going to go to Ba Sing Se to Iroh's tea shop, the Jasmine Dragon, to celebrate the end of the war. Small Team Avatar gathering." I looked at his eyes that were begging me as he took my hand in his gently. Oh my gosh. Fucking butterflies. "No! Not Ba Sing Se! Is Ju Dee going to be there?" He laughed, "Yeah, we got the worst Ju Dee of all!" 

"Fine," I accepted, "but only because 'There is no war in Ba Sing Se!'" He laughed at the goofy grin on my face. "One does not just pop in on the Earth King!" he teased. I grinned as he helped me out of the bed. "I gotta dress up for this, don't I?" He shrugged. 

"You look beautiful in anything you wear, so I guess it doesn't really matter for you. But in general, yes, we are dressing up." I widened my eyes as he giggled, squeezed my hand, and left the room, shutting the door behind him. 

He did not. 

He's so lucky I love him. 


I smiled as I looked at the view of everything going on. My family. 

Zuko was handing out tea, but he finally stopped to look at Sokka's wonderful drawing with us. "Why did you give me Momo's ears?" I asked with a small laugh that I was holding back. He's not a good artist at all. I feel back for Master Piandao. "Those are your hair loopies!" I rolled my eyes. 

"At least you don't look like a porcupine. My hair's not that spiky!" 

"I look like a man." 

"Why did you paint me firebending?" "I thought it made it look more interesting." 

"Hey! My belly's not that big anymore! I really chipped down!" I smiled.

"Oh, you think you can do a better job, Momo?" 

"Well, I think you all look perfect!" 

I turned and saw Aang walk out to the balcony. I turned to follow him, but something inside of me stopped my feet from continuing. I stopped. What would happen if everything shatters? If he doesn't like me anymore? What if he doesn't like me?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Zuko behind me. "Do it. He loved you." I smiled, "think so?" He rolled his eyes playfully. "I know so. Now go! I won't let them out," he replied. I blushed and smiled as I hugged him. "Thanks, Firelord Zuko." 

I love Aang. I'm so fucking in love with him. I know it, he knows it, everyone in this universe and the next knows it. I swear, if I see one more person that thinks Zuko and I should be together, or a 'Zuatarian' as Sokka calls it, I'm gonna shove ice up their ass. 

I reached him on the balcony and we're turning to face each other. Why is he so handsome. Katara, focus. Come on, girl. You can do this. Start it off simple. With a hug. But I don't wanna start it-

To my luck, Aang started the hug. We both leaned in and wrapped our arms around each other, smiling as we took in each other's embrace. I wanna be hugged like this every day. Aang gives the best hugs ever. 

Once we broke off, his eyes trailed to my lips. And before I knew it, mine trailed to his, as well. I didn't know what to do. Aang knows my feelings. He knows me better than I knew myself. But I also know him, and I know that he was too much of a gentleman to make the first move. Especially after the play. 

As our heads moved closer to each other, slowly inching second by second, I suddenly couldn't take it anymore. I needed him near me. I grabbed him by the jaw and pressed my lips to his, giving him a long and meaningful kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him. I sighed in content, leaning into him, letting my lips tell him everything he needed to know. 

Holy shit, where the hell did a Monk learn to kiss like this? I mean, trust me, we've kissed plenty of times before, but nothing like this. Even the kiss in the Cave of Two Lovers wasn't this long. It was just a two-second kiss. But this, no. I've never kissed him like this. I was so surprised, and I never knew how good it would feel to have his lips pressed up against mine. A small moan left my lips as a small smile tugged at his. 

Even though he's an airbender, I guess he knows that I need to breathe, and he broke off, leaving me slowly gasping. "Katara," he whispered, holding me in his arms as he looked into my eyes. "I love you." I widened my eyes. "What?" 

He smiled and tenderly pressed his lips to mine. "I'm in love with you, Katara." I grinned and rested my head on his chest. "Oh, thank Spirits," I laughed, "I'm in love with you, Aang." He smiled as he held me in his embrace, dragging us to a bench. 

"I've always loved you," we both say at the same time. We both smiled as he presses a small kiss to my hair, letting me cuddle up into him. 

Tears swelled in my eyes as he said this. I pulled him into another kiss. I would never get tired of kissing him. Aang is my home. And I know that. 

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damn i feel guilty today- anyways here's this. love you guys, two chaps in a day means im having a good one(:

love you guys !!

Much love xx -Ema

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