I swallow a lump in my throat and ask, "What happened?"

"Where were you? Or should I ask who were you with?"

I freeze in my place and look over at Logan who mouths a 'say it' at me. I straighten my spine and say it with as much vigour as I can, "I was out with Lexie."

"You were on a date with Alexis Forte. You weren't just hanging out with her."

"Yeah and? She's my girlfriend of course I'd be on a date with her."

Dad releases a sigh and chuckles dryly, "When you brought her over for lunch, I thought it might be one of your jokes with Rose and Jared. God knows you do that a lot to piss me off."

I swallow a gulp at how easily he actually figured out the real reason I brought her over the first day, "It wasn't." I lie.

"But I thought you were just fooling around, I thought you would probably leave her in a week or two."

I get a mental image of me telling her I am bored with her and the next thing I know she has my balls in her hands.

"That was never the plan," I say, my throat choking up.

"Oh no, it wasn't. I figured it out and so did her father."

I take a step back and I feel like I have been slapped on the face. The floor slips beneath me and I have to grab on to the door handle to keep from breaking down. How did he know about that? Is that why he is here? I look over at Logan and his face confirms everything. He knows about us running into her father.

"What did he say?"

Dad chuckles dryly and Mom gives him and icy look and says, "Honey it's alright."

"No it's not. You should ask what he didn't say. Tell me Aaron, do you think this thing with Alexis will last?"

"Dad, what did he say?" If I take a breath right here, right now, I will die right here, right now. My whole body is frozen with anticipation and it's bad; the churning feeling in my stomach is in full force now.

"Do you think it'll last?"

"Yes, damnit!"

Dad smirks, "I don't think so. Neither does he."

Well that's not really a surprise here now is it. "What else did he say?"

"He said that you're a disgrace, he said that for all that I talk about you, you're not even the captain of the hockey team," Logan flinches at his words and I shift my attention to him, "And that you're stupid degree wont even earn you a well-paying job."

"But," Logan intervenes, "there's literally no saying that says only a doctor or businessman can live a financially stable life."

"Logan, son, what's he going to do after his masters? Get a PhD? and he still won't be a legitimate doctor."


"Logan," he whips my heard towards me, "Don't."

"Oh and Aaron? Son?" Dad says, his teeth gritted, "He said you'll never be good enough for his daughter, that a Richards, someone like you, will not be worthy of her."

All of this is nothing new, I hear it everyday from my own father did he really think this would affect me? I just need to call Lexie once, I hope that son of a bitch wasn't too hard on her; I need to know if she's okay.

"Did you like it? Running my name through the ground? Dad spits at me.

"When am I not running your name to the ground, dad?" I have had enough of this bullshit spewn at me over the years.

"Don't act up, Aaron," He points a finger at me, "You've already done enough damage, end things with that girl now. I never thought you could be any more of a disappointment, but apparently you are. Fooling around with Forte's daughter of all people! End things with her right now."

"Or what will you do?" I raise my voice ever so slightly, "What will you do Dad?"

He gives a shaky laughter and looks at my Mom for a second before turning back to me, "Me? Aaron I don't have to do anything. You'll do it yourself."

"What do you mean?" I look over at Logan and his face is ashy as he shakes his head at my father.

"Robert no...don't tell him." Mom says, her voice soft.

"Don't tell me what mom?" I am getting increasingly more jittery every second and I need to know what they're talking about.

She gives me a pitying look and shakes her head as I ask her again, "Tell me."

"You know want to know what the worst part is?" Dad says, his mouth in a grim line, clearly furious, "Alexis agrees with everything her father said and she's done with you."


Okay but are you scared? What would you do if I leave the story right here and not update for a month? *evil laughter* 

On a side note, I am getting pink hair like Kennedy Walsh tomorrow! I'll post stories through the whole process on my instagram account @angstyherondale612 so make sure you check it out!

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