Chapter 1: The Question

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The Immediate Murder Professionals - the place in which you work - was called in for a meeting to discuss their newest target. To prepare to face your boss, you take a deep breath just before placing your cold, clammy hand on the doorknob. Once the knob turned and you went to the meeting room, you slightly blushed because you saw Loona.

Normally, Loona always came to meetings late, so you did not expect her to be sitting in her chair once you showed up. Because of this, you became more flustered than you were initially as you apologized to Blitzø.

"I'm sorry, boss, i-it won't happen again. I promise." You adjust your shirt collar.

"Sorry for what?"

"Er, well, being late, of course."

"Oh don't worry about it, rookie! Just don't let it happen again!" Blitzø says as he directs you to your seat. Loona rolls her eyes and mutters "pft, dweeb" and goes back to looking at her phone. You even heard her say that and the sweat on your hands accumulated more. "What's the matter, darlin'?" Millie says as she takes note of your nervousness.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine." You put on a fake smile. You thought to yourself

'God, I'm an idiot. Why did I smile?! Now she's really going to think suspicious of me!'

"Okay, that's good!" Millie says.

You sigh with relief. Blitzø discusses "okay everyone, since we have been successful in our doings in the living world, I would say this business is finally growing its legs!"

He presents a chart that indicates an upward trend in client satisfaction. "Now, the second reason why I called you all in here is so that-"

Moxxie interrupts, "To celebrate our hundredth killing. We know!"

"MOXXIE-" Blitzø catches himself.

"Moxxie, that is rude. Don't assume everyone knows just because I went around announcing it a few times!"

"I- I didn't know." You say.

Blitzø points his hand in your direction as a reference, "He didn't know. Point proved."

As more corporate agendas get discussed and taken care of, Blitzø finally ends with "meeting over, everyone! Excuse me while I go get our transportation book!"

You and Loona got up at the same time, which made you blush again. However, Loona did not pay attention to such subtlety, nor did she care, and simply went back to her office desk as if nothing happened.

Today was it. Today, you were determined to ask Loona out, no matter how embarrassed you get. No matter if she screams and says no and punches you in the groin.

You took deep breaths and braced yourself just before you left the meeting room. However, no matter how deep of a breath you took, it seemed that your heart only beat faster at the thought of it.

You shuffle to the doorframe of the receptionist's office and you saw her at her desk. Once you saw her, though, your heart began to beat a million miles an hour, and you freeze. You did not know what to do with your hands exactly, so they just quivered by your sides.

Slowly, you inched your body to Loona's desk and you forced yourself to speak. "L-L-Loona?"

She looked up at you and looked back at her computer screen.

Everything leads up to this moment here. Your hands went cold and so many emotions and thoughts overlapped in your head. But instead of just standing there like a big dumbass, you had to ask her the question. If you quit now, you would hate yourself for the rest of eternity. Finally, you gave it all you got to piece together these words:

"Loona will you go out with me?"

Your face became red and you stood there numb. Loona looked back at you with her eyebrows raised. She saw that Moxxie and Millie were in the room too, and they were also surprised. So, since there was more than one person to witness you asking her out, Loona thought it would be more impressive to reject you and make fun of you for it.

"Are you serious? Why would think in your little, incompetent mind that ANYONE would go out with you? Let alone me?!"

You say in a tiny voice while holding your hands, "I- uh- I don't know."

"Listen. I don't like you. I will never like you. So go do yourself a favor and fuck off, creep!" Loona yells.

Your face gets even redder, and a ball forms in your throat "...Ok."

To avoid making a fool out of yourself even further, you leave the room to make sure no one sees the tears fall from your eyes. You knock on the door of Blitzø's office and ask if you could leave the building to get some fresh air.

You were very conscious of others seeing you getting emotional, so you went inside your car. Whatever Loona said was now engraved in your mind, and you sobbed. Your face was wet with tears, as well as the steering wheel; where you rested your head.

Reverting back to the receptionist's office, Millie spoke up about the incident. Innocently, she says

"I think he liked you, Loona. That was honestly pretty brave of him to just come up to you like that."

"Pft. Well I don't like him, sorry."

"I'm just saying... You should at least give him a chance. Or at least think about it. Like my little Moxxie here. You may think he's useless and pathetic, but he is such a wonderful and humble person outside of the office."

Loona's character loosens a little. She says "hmph, I'll think about it." Deep inside, she never had such harsh feelings about you, and shortly after, it began to tear at her. She was wanting to actually say yes, but she did want to be known as anything but soft to her coworkers.

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