Chapter 1 - The conviction

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"We the Jury find the defendant on the count of first degree murder & statutory rape, guilty." A woman with bright emerald green eyes & dark luscious brown hair announces to the court. Her stature is professional & proper with her pale smooth hands clasped in front of her body. The convict stares an emotionless yet sadistic look to the woman who has spoken out his verdict. "José Montoya Garcia you have been found guilty by a Jury of your peers for the charges of  first degree murder & statutory rape, I hereby sentence you to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. You will spend your sentence in USP Atlanta." Judge Russell announces before banging his gavel down on his desk, to end the trial proceedings.

Katie Murphy - the lead juror of this court hearing was making her way to the garage, the British woman wanting to rest after the 12 hour trial. She wore her favourite blue business suit, The long, loose pants swaying around her ankles  as she strutted in her black heels. The press surround her like a heard of animals as the pressed on about the trial, she let out a sigh. With these noisy reporters in her ear & the sound of the busy streets of the city, it was just adding to her headache. The smell of the sewers were making her stomach do flips. The young female wanted out of here already, she had a very busy life & she knew... there was no escaping it for the time being. The press continued to ask questions on how she felt about the end result of the verdict she turned to one of them & simply answered. "I am not answering any questions at the moment, thank you." The 23 year old woman then continued her way down the walkway. Once the juror had made it to her jeep & had climbed into the back of the vehicle, she let out a relieved sigh. Her brown hair was clasped up in a tight ponytail & the makeup was very casual & light. Katie was a very famous & well known Juror who had moved to Atlanta, Georgia when she was just 5.

The car journey was mostly silent except from her brother - Owen Murphy - asking a few questions every now & then. The questions were simple & more personal to how Katie was feeling after the long deliberation on whether or not José was as cold hearted as the evidence made him out to be. The green eyed woman was stressed beyond belief & this had been one of her longest & hardest trials ever. "So what was the rounding ratio of the verdicts?" Owen then asked, suddenly breaking his younger sister from her thoughts. "7:2, guilty." She replies with a deep sigh as she looks to her brother through the rear view mirror.

"7:2?" Owen question with a raised eyebrow, he was rather shocked by the information "He should've been guilty by everyone in that Jury.. he was caught standing over that young girls body, knife in hand." The oldest said while keeping his eyes focused of the jampacked road, he gripped the steering wheel as he thought over why someone would say not guilty to someone so cold hearted. "Can we not talk about it anymore? I just need to relax." Katie soon spoke after the long pause, the silence was almost deafening to her, she worked in areas where there was always some kind of noise so when things went silent she was rather uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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