"If you say so".

Dick left her bedroom and let Selina and her group of friends help Marinette prepare herself for just about anything tonight.

(I don't even know how sweet sixteens work or anything. Like, I've been to them but I've never understood the process. So I'll just say whatever I want to here because i have been brainwashed by something called Covid-19)

Several hours passed later and a lot of people were sitting in their reserved areas around the Wayne ballroom. So much talking and weird stuff going on. The same stupid brats running around the tables and Alfred wishing them to go to hell this instant.

Everything was just the way it should be. And the special special super special guests soon arrived. Let's just call them, Ms bustier's former class. Though, Lila wasn't there because she knew it was a big risk.

The class took their seats in their designated table and waited for their food.

Bruce decided he'd be the one to invite them to such an amazing event. But, his boys were the ones that convinced him to actually invite them. They had a lot planned for tonight.

Marinette was set free and roamed around the ballroom greeting complete strangers and receiving many congregations as well. She was kind of having a great time, but wished to be with her friends at the moment. But, apparently, they were needed for something in the Batcave. Though, Marinette, who didn't believe it at all, let them go.

So she just kept on walking around and waiting for something interesting to happen. And happened it did.

She bumped into a large group of teenagers and tried to apologize. But that was a fail.

" Marinette? Is that you"?

"Uhh, yeah? And, am I like, supposed to know you or something. Not trying to sound rude or anything. But, I've lost quite a bit of memories".

" Kim, what do you think"?

"I don't know. Ask Alya. She's the lie detector here. Not me".

" Well, she's lying of course. She has only saying that to cover up what she did to Lila". Alya turned to Marinette and poked her with every sentence she said.

"Lila left because of her fear of YOU. All she wanted was to be happy. And what did you do? Prevent that from happening. Poor Lila cried every single day because of you. She even had nightmares about you. And, how are you alive ? Like, we found some assassins that said they'd complete the job"?

" Why would anybody kill me? And I'm really sorry but I really don't know who you or this Lila girl is. Goodbye".

"No". Alya and a few other classmates gripped her arms a little too hard almost leaving hand prints.

"You aren't going anywhere until you pay for what you've done to our best friend".

" But, I don't know what I did. And I really have to go. You are all hurting me". Marinette felt her eyes water because of the pain she was feeling. Without the jewels inside her, she was just a fragile child. Where even a fly could break her easily.

"Like I said. We aren't letting you go until you pay".

" It hurts a lot. DAD, HELP ME, PLEASE"!!! She cried out in pain.

Dick couldn't here anything because he was in his bedroom telling himself encouraging words in the mirror. So he was no help. But her only savior tonight, would be Jason. Because he heard everything. And he wasn't going to let anybody hurt her anymore.

"You little shits, get away from her"!

" and why would we"?

"Because this is her birthday party if you all forgot. If I tell Bruce about this, he'll immediately kick you all out of here. And, you're being watched". He pointed to plenty places in the grand room signaling cameras were everywhere.

" so you keep it up and you'll all end up in the juvenile detention center. Now get away from her. And no, she's not lying. She lost a lot of memories a long time ago".

The class quickly went back to their seats trying to act casual but miserably failed. But the good thing was, not a single person paid any attention to them. Like seriously, what kind of a high class idiot would want to even look at some stupid low lives like that class.

Even the high class people would prefer actually being seen, interacting with a garbage can than with them. (Honestly, I would too).

The night went on and the amazing dances went by. The leading role was of course Marinette, followed by Felix, Damian and Jon.

Their mini performance was amazing in all sorts of ways. And they no longer had to worry about being the world's biggest idiots ever.

And last of all, the last wonderful dance was a slow dance with Marinette and Dick.

Dick was in a pink tux. And might I say, the guy looked very good in light cloud pink.

The two danced for quite a while and had a few small conversations until the very last one.


" Yes Marinette "?

" I love you. To the moon and back".

"Well I love you to, uh, something farther than the moon and back".

" Well if you love me that much, then I'll tell you something interesting ".

" And what is that, my muffin"?

"A love Damian Wayne with all my heart as well".

" that's gre- WHAT"?!

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