Its Going Down

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"You do not get to win every time!" Uma yells at her.

"Trust me." Mal tells Ben as she shoves him back. Jay pulls the swords out before Carlos starts firing the smoke bombs at Uma's crew.

"Ben!" Evie calls as she tosses Ben a sword. Evie then starts fighting a pirate that is on a ladder. Lonnie starts fighting a pirate that is trying to help another pirate up. Mal tosses a pirate over the side of the bridge while the others run past her. Ben starts his own fight and quickly ends it while Carlos starts fighting.

"Hello, Jay. Well, well, well." Harry says as he lands in front of Jay. Elena was busy fighting the pirates behind Jay. Harry takes off his hat before he unsheathed his sword to start fighting Jay. Mal and Uma are fighting.

"Aaah!" Gil yells as he swings to where Ben is. "Hey, Ben." Mal spins Uma away from her as they fight. Evie steps on a pirate's foot before knocking him down. The pirate that Lonnie is fighting finally let's go of the pirate that he was trying to help. Lonnie is able to disarm the pirate.

"Here take mine." Lonnie tells him as she hands her sword to the pirate. She dodges each blow the pirate makes. The pirate aims at her feet but she jumps over it and the pirate drops the sword. Lonnie kicks the pirate back and grabs her sword.

"Amazeballs!" Dude calls out.

"Hi. You miss me?" Mal asks as she gets in Uma's face. Jay and Harry continue to fighting and Jay is able to kick Harry's knee making him fall to the floor. Elena is fighting two pirates at once. Elena trips one of them making him fall into the water and starts fighting another one.

"Let's dance." Evie says as she starts fighting a new pirate. Gil is able to get Ben onto his back.

"Hey, Gil." Carlos calls which distracts Gil. Gil starts fighting Carlos. Carlos blocks Gil's swing. "Get out of here, Ben." Ben runs under the block. Evie is able to disarm the pirate which brings him to his knees.

"Nice scarf. It's mine now." Evie says as she grabs the scarf from the pirate making him spin. Ben then climbs up to her level. "Ben." Harry swipes at Jay's feet but he jumps over it. Harry uses his sword and hook to press Jay's sword back pinning him to the railing. Elena starts making her way to Jay and Harry. Jay is able to push Harry back. Harry goes to swing at Jay but Elena hits Harry's sword making it get stuck in the railing. Jay then hits each of Harry's knees before jerking Harry's hook away. Jay laughs as the hook hangs from his sword. Harry is able to get his sword unstuck. Jay makes his way over to the other railing where the water is and puts his sword over the water. Harry drops his sword but Jay drops the hook into the water anyways. Harry grabs his sword before jumping into the water.

"Harry!" Elena calls as Jay pulls her away from the edge. Lonnie is fighting another pirate as Jay and Elena make their way in her direction. Mal is able to disarm Uma before she starts running to the others. Uma grabs her sword to follow.

"Uma!" Harry calls and Uma stops. Uma helps Harry out of the water.

"Jay, go start the car." Carlos says as Evie, Jay, and him all meet up.

"I'll meet you guys there." Evie says and Jay runs for the tunnel. Jay runs past Lonnie, who disarms her opponent and follows. Elena disarms one of the pirate she is fighting while Jay takes care of the other one. Jay turns to Elena and motions for her to come on with his head. Elena and Lonnie follow after him.

"Ben, come on. Go!" Mal calls out.

"Mal's mine!" Uma says as she finishes helping Harry. Mal and Uma start fighting again. Ben goes to run but a sword slams into the ladder by his head.

"Hiya." Harry says before he and Ben start fighting with Ben being on the ladder. Ben traps Harry's arm in the ladder.

"Coochy, coochy, coo." Ben says as he rubs Harry's chin. They go back to fighting.

"Carlos! Smoke bomb." Evie yells and Carlos throws her one. Ben and Mal break away from Harry and Uma. Evie throws the smoke bomb in between them. Carlos, Evie, and Ben run through the tunnel. Mal kicks the walk-way down into the water.

"What's my name?

What's my name?

What's my name?

Uma, Uma-la-la-ooh

Say it nowwwwww!" Uma sings as she hits Harry's shoulder. Mal just smirks at Uma before running into the tunnel.


OMG! This took hours to write!! Anyways, just four more chapters and Descendants 2 is done! Hope you guys liked this chapter and stay tuned because tomorrow I'm uploading two chapters! Have a good night everyone and stay safe!

-Mary ❤️

𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (𝙰𝚄𝙳𝚁𝙴𝚈 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat