Frustra Esse

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Swimming in stars, Virginia surfaced, the warm water sliding off her skin like silk. Brilliant flashes surrounded her, and the falling snow tickled her cheeks and shoulders. Slicing through the dark, dreamy liquid, her feet finally felt the bottom of the pool once more, and she left the water slowly, the steam curling around her body. A silver head surfaced farther out and she smiled, pulling a towel right out of the wall by the misty archway, where there was a good-sized hidden compartment. Drying herself off, she wrapped the thick towel around her and grabbed another, holding it out to Draco as he left the pool as well.

They went back into the bedroom, Draco still dripping wet, and both stopped for a moment to admire their lover. Blaise's eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling shallowly, nude but for the silk sheets that rode low at his hips and tangled around his legs. Raven hair was spread over and around him in wavy, teasing tendrils, obscuring half of his face and giving them only tiny glimpses of the smooth, alabaster skin that they knew was hiding underneath that satiny mass. They'd been at the Manor for three days, and both he and Draco seemed to feel secure enough to let themselves sleep an hour or two each day. Now was one of those times.

"Hmm." Draco hummed thoughtfully; his eyes glinting mischievously as he lazily dried his hair with a summoned towel. He could have done so with a spell, but all three thought that it was pretty pointless, and usually opted to let their hair dry mostly on its own.

"What?" She asked, sitting down on one of the chairs beside the bed and calling in another towel for her own hair.

"Well," Draco started with smirk, "I think it's about time we got him back for that childish little prank the other day, don't you?" A devious grin curved across her own lips then.

"And how do you propose we go about such a thing?" She asked innocently, looking up at him through thick lashes. His smirk turned predatory.

"Look at him." Draco crooned. "Just begging to be ravished until he can't stand, hmm?"

"Yes." She agreed, her eyes traveling over her lover's sleeping form hungrily. "It took your mother almost twenty minutes to get those knots out of our hair."

"Join me, then?" Draco asked, holding out a hand to her. She opened her mouth to agree, lifted her hand to accept, when a sudden and utterly wicked thought assaulted her brain. Pulling her hand back, she responded to the surprised inquiry within Draco's silvery eyes.

"How about..." She trailed off as images came on the heels of the idea and stole her breath.

"How about what, cher un?" Draco questioned, leaning against the bedpost. Snapping back to reality, she looked up at him with eyes turning smoky.

"How about I watch?"

For a second, Draco said nothing, and then he smiled lasciviously. "Alright. You wish for a show, mon âme? Then I shall give you one."

Without another word, he leaned down and kissed her passionately before crawling onto the huge bed with grace a panther would kill for. The sheets whispered underneath him, and his towel hung rakishly low on his hips. He slid in between Blaise's legs and ran soft kisses up one silk-covered thigh, his nails following the same path on the other. Blaise shivered but didn't wake, lost deep in dreams, and Draco's grin grew as his lover hardened under his ministrations. A pink tongue darted out, licking a wet trail up the cloth over Blaise's erection and darkening the fabric while ripping a low, throaty moan from his throat.

Blaise's eyes fluttered and he started to say something, but Draco slipped his mouth over the head of his cock, the silk still between their flesh, and any words that might have spilled from between those full lips turned into a strangled scream. His fingers dug into the mattress as his hips bucked, and more of his length disappeared down Draco's throat. Indigo eyes opened wide, clouded with lust, and he mewled when Draco pulled back up, softly scraping teeth over him and dragging the silk along his sensitive skin. Slender, elegant hands pulled the sheet down, slowly revealing inch after inch of perfectly formed porcelain flesh.

Unexpected जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें