11.) Boy Brain

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Chapter 11

~ Leonardo's POV ~

I felt like I was falling into a deep black hole and as I hit the ground I awoke to cool sheets and smooth night clothes.

Slowly rising from the depths of oblivion, feeling returning to fingers and toes, I grunted in fatigue. As I layed motionless on the cool bed, comfortable sheets surrounded me giving me a sense of everlasting peace.

Peace, a word based on fraud. This deceiving word, would never last long in my aching head, because in seconds the tiring memory returned, and this time on full force.

I sat up, considering the cold sweat on my body and shrugging it off as "a problem for later", and simply held onto the silky white duvet as I recollected last nights dream.

The nightmare had been so vivid, so real; I heard wicked whispers, smelt decaying body's, felt lingering fingers and hands, and was more then sure I tasted raw iron and musty metallic in the air. I was horrified. But what could I do?, this was an everyday routine for me.

Images flashed throughout my head all at once. How will I be able to sleep after that? Will I ever be able to sleep in peace? I thought as I laid back down on my side. I had to. This was my life. Ever since I was a young child I held dark nightmares, always consisting of evil entities, piercing eyes, and demonic voices. Was this normal? No. My nightmares were not convinced by thin air, they held terrifying memories I wished to discharge and forget; but I couldn't. These unique dreams followed me every night of the year, exposing themselves as paralyzing scenes. And each and every time scaring the hell out of me, leaving me out of breath and attached to sweaty sheets and covers.

Strangely enough the nightmares were always the same. Paralyzed, naked, cold. The masked creatures conceived of hate, would come closer with each step making my heart run faster and faster; making sweeping movements to a music only they could hear. They would be closer, then further away and then closer again. Each and every time stoping my heart in place, then restarting again only await another round of torture. There only goal was to tear me to shreds, turn me inside out, rip me apart, make me into nothing, each wound created would healed in seconds only to be pierced once again. In the nightmare I was nothing, deaf and weak; my cries only heard by the saints who hovered in the air, like angels who's only sin was to watch me suffer.

I shut my eyes tight closing the dark memory, and forcing a new beginning as I opened my eyes once more.

I faced the naked walls of the room, exposing my eyes to the beauty of the forest through clear glass. The trees danced as the wind shook their magnificent autumn leafs in an angry rage. The cold, afternoon sun sat above the forest, watching me as I lay in comfortable sheets. The forest shined with a plea sent glow as forest creatures began to emerge from their resting spots and went upon their daily business. How it seemed so inviting, as if asking for your presence in the forest. It almost made you want to live in such beauty for eternity with out stress or worry of life's problems.

Leaving frightening memory's and pitiful thoughts behind, I rolled out of bed; landing on hardwood floor. I shivered from the chills I encountered. And barefoot, I walked across the room and into the Cullen house I went, but not before checking if the cost was clear, and with a sign, I tiptoed into the washroom.

Locking the door and switching the lights on, I found my reflection staring back at me, wearing oversize plaid pajamas; although the length was perfect the width was not. The pajama's owner was probably the dark haired muscular man named Emmett, he was the only one who fit the profile of both large in width and tall in hight.

I quickly strip from the plaid pajama's I wore and walked into the large arched shower, fascinated by the mix of gold Calacatta marble, French limestone, and white granite tiles that offered an earthy Egyptian vibe to the shower.

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