2.) Confession

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Chapter 2

~ Renesmee's POV ~

I walked into daddy's old bedroom and started to touch everything from CD's to old family photos. I was so bored, and I wanted something todo not not just anything of course, but something interesting to listen to or read. I looked through the old CD's one by one.

Daddy must love music, because he had rows and rows of different music but mostly classics, he even had disco music. I giggled quietly; I couldn't imagine daddy with bell bottom pants,

"Well, that was the style back then," daddy said standing next to the door way,

"Sure, sure!" I replied, then I smiled as I picked up an old record with daddy's name written on it in white letters "Edward Cullen".

The record had a picture of him playing a classical jet black piano. I wonder what year this record was from.

"It was February 4, 1942, it was my first concert and this old record was my first so called 'hit'" Daddy said, replying my thoughts as he took the old record from my hands, popping it in the record player.

Daddy took my hands and placed them on either side of his shoulders and placed his hands on my waist. Since I was shorter then him, daddy standing tall at 6'1 and me only 5'6 I stood on top of his shoes like I used to do a few years ago as a toddler.

Daddy started to dance ballroom style: Left foot front, left foot back and turn. Left foot front, left foot back and turn.

"Daddy how come you look so sad on the cover of the record?," I asked.

"Well it had been 14 years since my birth mother died and your grandfather Carlisle turned me into a vampire, I could say I was young at the time....Well, a young vampire at that, and I wasn't exactly at peace with a lot of matter that point in my life" Daddy said with a smile.

"Have you ever missed being human?," I asked.

"Sometimes I do. It's all about the human experiences that I've missed," Daddy replied while turning and dancing once more.

"Like what?," I asked now looking up at him waiting for a respond.

"Well, I still do miss sleeping now and then as well as aging," Daddy said looking over my head.

"But daddy," I began. "Getting old is no fun, grandpa Charlie is getting old and when humans get old they," I couldn't finish the sentence, just the thought of it made me depressed and wanted to cry.

"Nobody wants your grandfather Charlie to die, little love. But it's the human life cycle, its going to happen one day and when it dose you should be prepared,"

"Mind if I get a chance to dance, Renesmee?," My mum asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"Not at all mama he's all yours," I say as I leave my parents dance away to the old classical music played by my father himself.

I ran down the stairs and jumped down the third step, sadly I was super clumsy so I bumped into Jacob, "Sorry, Jake, I got my clumsiness from mom," I said fixing my shirt and jacket.

"It's cool, Nessie, now let's go before the weather changes." Jake said.

"Wait, I have to go tell my parents that we're leaving," I said ready to run up the stairs to my daddy's old room.

"It's alright, love" Daddy replied before I get the chance to take the first step towards his room.

Well, it's one of the advantages of living in a house full of vampires, they don't need shouting to communicate!

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