Basketball Court

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"Shut up," She muttered angrily. "Why would I talk to him anyway."

"Right, you definitely haven't been stealing glances at him all year when we play ball. And I'm first in our class now." She shoved him as she got up, shooting him a nasty look.

"Piss off."

She played terribly in the second half, unable to concentrate on anything except the fact that Kim Seokjin had seen her half-naked. It was the most embarrassing thing she had ever done. She was so distracted that she got hit by another player who was running for the ball and took a hard spill on the asphalt. Her knees and hands immediately started welling up with blood. Someone called time and she saw Yoongi run over to her.

"Are you okay?" He was worried and he started to help her up.

"I'm okay I think, just a little scratched" He helped her stand and looked around.

"You want to go to the nurse's office?"

"Yeah, but I can walk myself. I'll be fine." She said, trying to reassure him. He gave her a look, but she shook her head. "I'm good, keep playing and beat them for me will you?" She gave him her best smile and limped off the court, feeling blood run down her knees into her socks. Her mom was going to kill her if she didn't get the blood out.

She made her way off the court and noticed Kim Seokjin was no longer sitting in his usual place.

"You probably scared him off, you crazy idiot." She muttered under her breath. "I mean who does stuff like that?" She kicked a pebble, regretting it when her knee flamed up. She cursed under her breath, wishing she could just melt into the ground never to be seen again by anyone.

The halls were quiet as she made her way towards the nurse's office. She was afraid of getting blood on the floors and being disciplined so she hurried as fast as she could without hurting herself. Upon reaching the nurse's office she opened the door, harder than she meant to, and stepped in.

"Nurse Oh?" Nurse Oh looked up, and she smiled wryly when she saw it was Byul.

"Injured again? At this rate, I think you'll be eighty percent bruises, and twenty percent basketball champion by the end of the year." Byul cracked a smile. She liked Nurse Oh, she always fixed her up and she took her love of basketball seriously, unlike most other adults.

Nurse Oh sat her down on one of the beds and took a look at her knees.

"Let me just wash these and then I'll wrap them up. Are your hands pretty bad as well?" Byul turned her hands' palms up so Nurse Oh could see them. "Hmm, yes let me get these as well." She stood up and walked out of sight, leaving Byul sitting on the bed alone. Her face turned red as she thought over the events of this morning. Her mother was right. She was never going to be able to have any dignity if she kept so wholly sticking her head up her ass in every social situation ever.

She heard soft footsteps approaching and she looked up expecting Nurse Oh.

But it wasn't Nurse Oh. It was Kim Seokjin, with his hair brushing over his eyes, and a large grey cardigan that was slipping off his left shoulder and hanging around his hands.

"Nurse Oh said..." He trailed off when he looked up and saw it was her. "Oh hello."

Byul muttered a soft 'hello' under her breath, cursing herself to an early demise. Preferably right now so she didn't have to bear the shame of seeing him look at her and register that she was the girl who had taken her shirt off.

"My name is Kim Seokjin." He said, holding his hand out to her. She looked up surprised. "I don't believe we've met before." She hurried to accept his hand, glad he didn't seem like he was going to bring up the incident earlier.

"Moon Byul-yi."

"Yes, I know." He said, then seemed to regret his words, turning a deep shade of red. "I mean - we have calculus together." She smiled, feeling like she was getting her footing in this conversation.

"Oh right, you're the one who always solves the problems on the board when no one else can." He flushed a deeper shade of red, though it seemed physically impossible.

"Yes, that's me." He said softly.

"I wish I was smart like you." She said, gazing out the window. He looked up surprised.

"I wish I could play basketball like you." He seemed surprised by the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. She looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"I can show you how to play basketball if you teach me how to do math." She said before she even really thought about it. What was she doing? She was insane for this.

"Deal." He stuck out his hand and she shook his hand for the second time in five minutes. Nurse Oh finally rounded the corner and smiled at them.

"Ah good, you've met Jin. He helps me in the clinic sometimes. He wants to be a doctor! And Jin this is Byul - she's going to be a famous basketball player." They looked at each other shyly, not knowing that the Nurse had been hoping they would meet. She wasn't blind and she had seen the way the two stole glances at each other in the courtyard from her window. She knew neither of them would ever say anything, albeit for different reasons. Jin was too shy and Byul was too proud. This was the perfect chance for them to meet.

"Here, Jin why don't you clean her hands and I'll clean her knees." Byul seemed about to say something but lost her words as soon as Jin's hands touched hers. He had long, strong fingers and soft skin. He wiped the gravel and dirt off her hands tenderly, causing a knot to form in her throat. He wiped away the blood, his glasses sliding down his nose a bit. His cardigan fell farther down his shoulder. Before Byul could stop herself she reached out her hand to fix his sweater, catching his eyes in the process. He blushed, his glasses fogging up slightly. She smiled, to herself at the thought. He was probably just embarrassed she was so close. Or maybe, his heart also began to race a little every time their fingers brushed.

They bandaged her hands and knees when they were done cleaning them and Byul adjusted her hat on her head before leaving.

"Thank you Nurse Oh! I'll see you tomorrow." She said with a wink.

"I certainly hope not." Nurse Oh said laughing. Byul walked out of the clinic noticing that Jin was trailing a bit behind her. She bolstered her courage then turned around.

"We have calculus now." He nodded, eyes wide. "Shall we walk together then?" He nodded again, speechless. She began walking and he hurried to catch up.

"What are we talking about today?" She asked, partially because she couldn't take the silence and partially because she actually had no idea.

"We're still in the unit on Integrals." She grinned sheepishly at him.

"Ah right, I haven't really caught on to any of that yet." He looked at her shocked.

"Any of it?"

"Yeah or any of the stuff happening before that. Did I mention I'm failing calculus?" He sniffed.

"You failed to mention that detail." She grinned cheekily, looping an arm through his.

"I guess it's good you'll be tutoring me now."

"I'm not sure basketball lessons are enough to cover me saving your calculus grade."

"Then maybe I can take you out for dinner sometimes." He couldn't hide the small smile that tugged at his cheeks.

"I think I would like that." He said, very softly, so soft only she could hear it. 

Moonbyul & Jin | OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang