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Abbies POV

I can not believe i made it out of the train station alive, but i needed the money, i can't live of eating scraps for the rest of my life. Thank god for harry otherwise i would be squashed on the bottom of the train tracks - as a pancake.

I ran and ran and ran praying that harry would not follow me. He is so gorgeous his perfect green eyes and his brown curly hair in the perfect quiff.  I can not get him off my mind. GRRR

After days of running and reading in newspapers off the floor i have figured out i ran to paris. Lucky i was at the train station easy escape. I was in the city of love how ironic. If i had said yes to his proposal now over a year ago, i would not be a lizard and would probably have a child now! The thing is i will never be human again because who would love a lizard? 

Having hope that a human that i love would return that love and return me to a human, so i have given up hope. 

So in the city of Paris - alone. 

I turn my head taking in the view of paris form the floor. The sweet smells of pastries and fresh bread fill the air and make me crave some food other than rubbish. 

I wounder the streets of paris enjoying mt time alone when i come across a lake. There where many beautiful swans swimming gracefully through the crystak lake. it looks so peaceful. i wish and hope for a better life but this one.

"Are you lost?" a small high pitched voice asks. I tunr to see a swine. 

"Umm not pysically'' i answer the samll swine. 

"are you ok" she asks again. Am i ok? i dont have a lover and i am stuck as a lizard forever - or until i find a lover.

"pysically im fine... emotionally im brusied" wtf why am i saying this to a swine. I dont think im ok.

"ok, ill be right back stay here'' ok so now a swine is bossing me around. I am my own person and will not be controlled 

"Abbie??" i know that voice how on earth did he find me?

hey guys sorry for taking a while to update, i promise i will try and be more frequent and dont mind the spelling erros!!

all the love 

- A xx

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