The moon is not a lesbian

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(Approximately 6 weeks later)

Turns out the rumours are true! The moon is made of cheese! Lucky she moved here and not some phat asss who would eat it all meaning there who me no moon left. Abby is in touch with her emotions enough to real eyes that.

Life is peaceful here. There are no annyoing fucks who try and ruin my day. Or try and steal my thunder. Or kill themselves to try and prove a point.

Life is great. Although I do miss tounge action. (Lucky for abby that is all about to change...)

BEEP BEEP BEEP. A noise that would piss off everyone interrupts Abbys beauty sleep - come one now you think she naturally looks like this? Well genetics do help and her awe invoking aura assist as well but its trying her naps! According to Abby in the 2017 British vogue her number one bueaty tip is "sleep and avoid all of your friends and family, their negativity and grossness will only bring you down"

She scurries off to the other side of the moon. And then she sees him (or what she thinks is a him) the most stunning marhsin you will ever see. His grey skin complents Abbies scaly green and brown, this long luchious locks that cascade down faming his face beautifully. And his prize possession. His 40 cm tongue. Abbies mind runs wild with the things that could happen with this man.

However, Abbies stubborn ways get the better of her. She simply refuses to have a man in charge of her.

"Hello, and welcome to Abbyland!" Abby says in a salutary tone. Fun fact the name of the moon was actually changed decades ago when abby was born but humans are too simple minded and dumb to honour its real name... Abbyland

"Why thank you" the marshin is a robot put his tongue is still wet enough to suit abby. Abby real eyes's that if she is in charge of all the marshins she could get whatever she wants!!
MWAHAHAHAHHA- her evil cackle is accidentally said out loud, thickening the tension in the air.

"Look I have a proposal, If I get to rule all of your people I can have sex with you. Deal?"

"YES🤞💋🗣👅😛' the robot/marshin exclaims.

This tale of abby as come to a close... for now... (stay updated incase you miss a new chapter!)

Morals of Abby's story:
Hey guys I know this story is really intense and has some plot points that could possible create some confusion about morals and ethics so I wanted to clear the air. The point of my story is to get across the importance of bullying males and your friends who are simps for males as they are only good for oral sex. Make sure you encourge men in your life to off themselves for being ugly, whiny or just annoying!

Lots of love (as always)
- A x

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