Chapter 11: Sacrosanct

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Later that night

"Listen ta me" Hector said grabbing Kila's arms. She looked up into his eyes, fear written all over her face. "I need ta get me crew to Tortuga as a distraction, if ya meet me there ye can sneak into me cabin and we'll sail ta
th' tropics."

Kila nodded her head and laid her head on his chest. She knew she'd see him soon enough but, the wound of him leaving was still fresh and she didn't want to let go of him. Hector kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Hector is love" Kila said, kissing his bare chest. Hector smiled to himself at her broke english, he knew what she meant and he loved hearing her say it. He gently pushed her away so he could look her in the eyes, he tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled.

"I'll see ye soon" Hector said leaving her embrace. Kila stood alone on the beach watching as Hector began to walk away.

"Hector!" Kila called out, causing him to stop and look back at her, watching as she made her way toward him. As she reached his stature she propped herself up on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against his.

"You forgot" she said smiling. Hector shook his head and kissed her again. As he pulled away Hector stared down at her and just beamed, he was the happiest he had been in his whole life; though he just met Kila he felt as though he had known her for years. She was different, beautiful, she had her own sense of humour (even though she wasn't yet aware of it), and Hector could easily admit that he loved her.

On his few week voyage away from her, Hector had come to realize that their interaction was more than just great sex. He felt connected to her, and while they were separated she was all he could think about. He had never truly cared for a woman because he had never met a true woman; they were interested in his company only because he had money.

"Okay, go now" Kila said kissing his cheek one last time before she headed toward the waters edge. She looked back over her shoulder at Hector and smiled before diving into it-disappearing. Hector smiled to himself and pulled on his trousers, he'd have to find his shirt before returning to the ship; Kila had left his body marred with literal love bites. He smiled to himself as he mentally replayed their night of pleasure in his head, making him eager to see her again.


As Kila swam closer to her pod she began to notice everyone seemed to be staring at her; which was odd to her because usually no one even turned their head to say hello. She began to feel uncomfortable and was happy when she reached the comfort and privacy of her own kelp bed. As she laid down on the luscious green she smiled to herself, she couldn't wait to be with Hector again.

Kila's thoughts were disturbed by two unwanted visitors, and they didn't look friendly. They were warriors, guards of the elders, Kila knew not to try anything.

"The elders wish to see you" The blonde spoke in their mother tongue. Kila furrowed her brows and looked frantically at both of them. "Why?" She asked shakily. The guards turned to look at each other then reached for Kila, each clasping her forearms. They were strong, and there was no way that she could fight them.

They escorted her to the cave system on the ocean floor where the elders congregated. As she appeared in front of all 6 of them Kila became fear-full, they looked down at her with disgust written on their faces; she was beginning to catch the scent. They knew about her and Hector, exactly how they knew, she hadn't quite worked out yet.

The guards released their death grip on her forearms and ushered her closer to the elders. Kila looked too her birth-giver, Azalea, with sympathetic eyes; mermaids didn't have mothers, the Elders gave birth to multiple off spring every year during mating season. The young were then trained on how to swim, hunt, and fight. When the Elders believed that they are ready the mermaids are expected to fend for themselves and their pod.

Kila had maintained quite a close relationship with Azalea, because she was born with a gift. Azalea took Kila under her wing, which Elders very rarely did, and taught her how to use her gift to their pods advantage. Kila could communicate with other marine mammals, as well as control them. By doing so, this kept the pod safe and kept them informed about the fish and their migratory status. Over the years of one on one training the pair grew quite close, and Azalea always spoke highly of Kila. She very often brought to the council the idea of making her a future elder. Though Kila appreciated the praise, she didn't want to spend her life baring off-spring.

"You have disgraced our nation, and such disgrace shall not be tolerated" Spit Nerine, the head mermaid in charge. Kila lowered her head and nervously bit her lip.

"Your affiliations with a pirate has not gone unnoticed by the council, and you will be punished accordingly" Piped in another elder, her tone softer than Nerine.

"You will receive 12 cuts, and are here by banned from our pod!" Nerine preached spitefully, venom laced between her words. Kila let out a little whimper and began to struggle as the guards gripped onto her forearms again.

"THIS ISN'T FAIR! HE SAVED ME" Kila shouted at the council, looking to Azalea for help; but she only lowered her gaze. Many moons of being an elder had taught her to bite her tongue and mind her p's and q's. "THATS THE RULE, IF THEY SAVE, THEY ARE GOOD!" Kila pleaded.

The mermaids did have rules about humans; they were to never show a human any mercy unless one was to find them-self in danger, and are saved by a human. Kila was in danger and Hector did rescue her, and more importantly, saved her life.

The council grew quiet and Kila watched as Nerine nodded to another guard, who swam off into a neighbouring cave; most likely to grab the stingray whip for her punishment cuts.

"To be saved is one thing, to then have relations is forbidden!" Nerine spoke more calmly.

Suddenly the guard returned, on her arm a very elderly mermaid known amongst their pod as the giver. She was the one to predict when the off-spring would come and which Elder was impregnated. Kila furrowed her brow as the giver swam closer to her, so close that she could count every line that graced her forehead.

Her tired emerald green eyes stared up into Kila's as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't. Kila flinched as she felt her fragile hand press up against her pelvis, and watched as the withered woman before her poked around her torso. A few moments had passed and the giver dropped her hand back down to her side, she looked to the left and gave a little nod to Nerine.

"TAKE HER TO THE CIRCLE AND BIND HER! ITS 40 CUTS" She shouted, sensing shivers down Kila's back. She was so shocked she couldn't even fight back, physically or with her words.

If the giver never predicted wrongly, Kila was undoubtedly pregnant with Hectors child.

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