Chapter 1: I'm lost

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It was a Monday when she last threw a tantrum for chocolates. When she last saw her sister and parents. The last day she was at home. The day she broke their promise.

She watched as the clock ticked and ticked but her parents had yet to return. They were gone since this morning and it was late into the evening at this point.

She was about to step out the door when a pair of thin arms pulled her back.

"Di! I want my chocolates! Let me go!", Screamed the 5-year-old Divya trying to get out of her sister's bone-crushing hold.

It was her birthday and their parents went to get some things. She was left in the care of her 10-year-old sibling. But as always she was impatient and wanted her chocolates. What else can you expect to form a 5-year-old birthday girl?

"Divi no. Mom and dad went to get them right? They will be back soon. Let's go watch Tom and Jerry," Drishti reasoned, trying to pull her back into the room.

"Di, tom is dumb and jerry is irritating. It's not funny it's stupid. Now, let me go! I will meet them and get my chocolates," She struggled but found herself being pulled further back into the room.

"you are not going anywhere, you are sitting here and waiting, understand?" Drishti commanded. Finally, she managed to pull her sibling into the room and onto the bed with a huff.

"No! I'm divi Sharma. No one can stop me!" She crossed her arms defiantly in front of her chest. As if the action somehow confirmed it.

"I can and I will," Drishti said walking over to the bed and wrapping her arms tightly around her. "You are not going anywhere little monster. You are going to wait here. And maybe you should get some sleep."

Divya tried pulling away but was still held captive. "Why? So you can eat all my chocolates when they are back? No way. You can't fool me!"

Drishti rolled her eyes at her little sister's comment. "You are really delusional. I said that because you have been up since 4 am in the morning because of your excitement for what I still don't get." It still shocked Drishti how a five-year-old was able to function with only two hours of sleep. "Usually, mom has to beg you every morning to wake up."

"Di! Let go. hath chordo." She said, trying to pull out her hand from Drishti's clasps.

Drishti paused momentarily before continuing."Nahi divi, didn't we promise Mom? Hath nahi chordongi. Not now. Not ever." she said kissing her cheek.

Divya blew a raspberry. "Bunny, this is all you're doing!" she used her little fist to hit the forearms holding her down. They proved to be useless as her body only possessed so much strength. "I wish jadu was here to use his powers. Maybe then I could escape."

"Aliens are not real divi." Drishti sighed.

"Excuse you! I saw a uso that day. Nothing you say can change my mind. Aliens exist and one-day jadu will come to meet me."

"It's ufo not uso and aliens don't exist."

"How are you so sure? It's not like you have been to another planet to confirm this."

"We have never seen an alien hence they don't exist."

"We have never seen air doesn't mean it's not surrounding us. Just because we haven't seen them yet, doesn't mean they don't exist." Divya smirked at her older sibling knowing she had won the argument.

"Fine, maybe they do exist. Now can you stop struggling? it's not going to work."

"Never say never." Divya declared.

After what felt like hours but was really only a few minutes, Divya gave up and leaned back against her sister. When she succumbed to exhaustion and sleep overtook her, she didn't know.

Drishti carefully laid her down onto the pillows and sat beside her waiting for their parents to return. "stubborn," She sighed, shaking her head and smiled. This little demon was irritating but she loved her more than life itself.

---broken promises---

Divya woke up to the sight of her sister sleeping soundly beside her. She carefully lifted the blankets, untangled herself from Drishti's hold and walked out of the room. She looked around hoping her parents had returned.

"Where are bunny and buddy? I want my chocolates," She huffed. "maybe they are still at the store." After thoroughly searching everywhere she concluded that they had not returned. She closed her eyes as she leaned against the couch.

She waited and waited but they didn't come back. It was starting to get dark outside.

A mischievous smile graced her lips as an idea struck her. After wearing her shoes, she looked at her sister one last time as she stepped out the door making sure to lock it on her way out.

"I'll be right back di. Before you know it," she promised and ran off towards the market.

---broken promises---

She was supposed to be right back. To the store and back. Back home. Yet here she is, sitting on a strangers couch in said strangers home.

She doesn't know how she got here. All she knows and recalls is a bag that covered her eyes, a hand that covered her mouth so she couldn't scream. All she saw before her world turned black was her favourite candy store across the street from their home.


That word swam around Divya's mind as she stared into the deep brown eyes of a woman she didn't even know the name of. A little ways off a man stood looking concerned for the pair. they weren't her parents that's for sure.

"What is your name dear? Where do you live? What about your family?" she asked as gently as she could.

Divya. Divya Sharma, she wanted to scream. But the words were stuck in her throat. The only sounds that came out were sobs that wracked her little frame. She felt the woman wrap her arms around her shaking body mindful of her injuries.

She wanted to protest. To push those arms that were holding her incarcerated away. She wanted to run but her legs stayed rooted to the ground. Instead, she found herself clinging on to the woman as if her life depended on it. "Do you remember what happened?" the woman whispered into her hair.

No. The world scratched the back of her throat. Everything was a blur after the bag. The room, the pain, that man and now this man and woman.

The knowledge of being away from her family and with a stranger wasn't the first thing that came to her innocent mind.

I broke my promise Di. I'm sorry. She buried herself even deeper into the woman's arms wanting this nightmare to be over.

A/N: Dont forget to vote and R&R!

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