"I just sit & I think about them. I feel like I'd be a horrible daughter if I never came to visit their graves. I mean no one else does."

"I like that, Charlie. I like that you do this."

"Thanks. I brought some old pictures. Do you wanna see?"

"Yes! I wanna see baby Charlie."

I reached into my purse & I pulled out a bag filled with some old family photos.  I repositioned myself so I was sitting on Luke's lap. His arms were wrapped around me, resting in my lap & his head was on my shoulder.

"So this was my hospital photo when I born."

"Charlie, your cheeks are huge!"

"I know. I had chimpunk cheeks until I was three."

"You were adorable." He kissed my cheek. 

"Uhm this was my second birthday, clearly I was wearing my cake."

"Your eyes are so green. Holy shit."

"& that was my dad teaching me how to ride a bike. My mom was running after us with the camera." & then I flipped one more picture. "& that was me after I fell over. My dad wasn't good at catching me, clearly."

"Awh. Was little Charlie hurt?"

"It was just a scraped knee. I got right back on the bike though."

I showed Luke more pictures of myself growing up & I told him some stories that I remembered about my childhood with my parents. Though I was only five when they passed away, I still had a few years of memories to hold close. 

After sitting for awhile longer, Luke & I went back to my house. It was a nice night out so we went into my backyard & we laid down on the hammock together, looking over at the sunset.

It was so serene. We weren't talking. It was just Luke & I laying there. He was holding my hands, drawing little circles on the back of my hand, playing with my fingers, humming my ear. We were laying facing each other, our noses toucing, just looking into each other's eyes, giving each other little kisses whenever we felt like it.

I was looking right into Luke's eyes & it seemed like they were telling a story. When he once again kissed me, he lingered on this one, not pulling away. Once he did, he pushed his forehead to mine & he rubbed his finger down my cheek. It gave me insane goosebumps.

"Charlie, I love you." Luke whispered.

That was a moment I'd never forget.

Luke's P.O.V

Seeing Charlie at her parent's grave was a heartwarming thing. There were no tears. She told me silly stories, she showed me the absolute cutest baby pictures & she just looked so happy. 

I adored how much she loved & respected her parents.

I fell in love with Charlie today. 

I fell completely in love with Charlie today.

Charlie was who I wanted to be with. I wanted to spend every moment with her in some way. Charlie made everything seem right in my world. My life made sense once Charlie entered it. I felt beyond blessed. She adds color to my world, a sparkle in my life. Charlie was the reason behind my smile. With Charlie, I knew my heart was in the right place. I knew that whatever happened in my life thus far has truly happened for a reason. She was my best friend. She understands parts of me without me even needing to communicate them. I think Charlie is my soulmate.

I realized all of this while laying with Charlie in the sunset. Specifically, I realized that all by looking into her eyes. 

I didn't want to over think it. I didn't want to spend time worrying if she felt the same, worrying about if I fell to fast. I just wanted her to know it the moment I knew it.

"Charlie,  I love you." I whispered.

I saw a smile form from her lips, her hands squeezed mine tighter & her cheeks warmed up.

"You do?" She whispered, a crack in her soft voice.

"I do. I am in love with you."

Charlie just looked up into my eyes & she held that gorgeous smile. I saw her eyes tearing up.

"Luke, I love you too." That feeling I had before intensified by a thousand hearing Charlie say that back. I didn't even realize it until I felt a wetness on my cheek but I had tears too. "I love you so much." Charlie said before pressing her lips to mine.

I didn't let her go. I pulled her body so she was laying on top of me & I continued kissing her. Just sweet, sweet kisses.

"Why are you crying?" She asked me.

"Because I'm so happy. Why are you?"

"I don't even know. I think I just love you that much. & I'm extremely happy too, baby." Charlie explained to me.

"Baby? You can't call me baby! I call you baby miss Charlie Joy." I joked.

"Too bad. I love my baby." Charlie grinned as she kised my cheek. "I love my baby so much."

I hadn't even realized it but our pinkies were linked for this conversation. 

We made this promise to love each other & we sealed it with a pinky promise without even needing to say it.


A/N hey. i'm back. & i'm in england. i made it & i'm happy.

charlie & luke are happy too. yay for them.



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