Chapter 13

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"Because I love the sound of Charlie Joy."

Luke's P.O.V

I tried to quietly sneak back into the apartment after my night with Charlie without getting the third degree from the other boys but they were awake & well ready for attack.

"Look who walks in the morning after." Calum laughed. "Walk of shame."

"Stop. It's not a walk of shame if she's my girlfriend."

"How was your night?" Michael winked at me. 

"I played with trains & play dough, I ate mac 'n cheese, I watched Christmas movies & I read Curious George."

"& after the kids went to bed?" Ashton hinted. "What happened?"

"I just cuddled with Charlie & then her foster parents said I could stay the night since it was late so we went to sleep."

"Sleep, huh?" Calum laughed. "What did this sleep consist of?"

"Laying in bed, closing my eyes & dreaming."

"Smart ass. So nothing happened?" Michael asked me.

"Nope. Nothing. We slept & it was all we wanted to do."

"Think you'll go further before we leave?" Calum asked as he poured milk into his cereal.

"I've only known her a few weeks, it's too soon for that."

"Ever talk to her about it?" Ashton asked me. "Just to see where she stands or whatever?"

"No but it's too soon. I don't want to push & ruin this. We're good where we're at. Now can I go? Are you done attacking?"

"I guess." Calum sighed. "Are you still going out with her tonight?"


I took a shower & then I spent the afternoon trying to think of a date for Charlie & I tonight. I wanted to do something fun but I was a bit nervous about crowds since she seemed uncomfortable when we got froyo on our first date. I told her I'd take her out tonight though. & I wanted to do something rather than just laying in my bed...although I wouldn't complain about that either because I loved laying with her in my arms, kissing her, telling her how cute she was. But we could always do something fun & then cuddle.

I was in the middle of debating what to plan for Charlie & I when I heard Ashton knock & peak his head in my room.  

"I wanna show you something."

"What is it, Ash?"

"Here." He tossed his phone at me & then I read the headlines.

'Luke Hemmings comes home in same clothes.' A picture of me walking out of our apartment last night & into it this morning, same clothing.

'Who's Luke's mystery girl?' A picture of Charlie & I at the froyo place & then another of her at the studio a few days ago.

'Is Luke Hemmings hiding a girlfriend?' A picture of us holding hands with the description about me being at her house all night. How the hell did they even know that was her house?


"I know." Ashton said, now sitting next to me. "It's spreading, fast."

"What do I do? I've never been in this situation before."

"Us either. You're the first with a legit girlfriend. I think you just ignore it for awhile but think about telling the truth, alright? Maybe after the new year or something. That gives you a few more weeks."

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