Chapter 11

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Luke's P.O.V

Almost every day this week, once Charlie was home from school, I'd go over to her house & hang out with her, also known as just bothering her while she tried to do homework.

"So what have you guys been up to lately?" She asked me as she was getting a snack. 

"We wrote with John & Alex again today. We have this cool song I think we want to call Disconnected that we're working on. I absolutely love it."

"Awh, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you guys. I can't believe you're like writing with your idol."

"Thanks Charlie. I know, it's surreal."

"Do you guys still leave next week for Australia?"


"Is it unfortunate? Don't you want to get home, Luke? I mean you haven't seen your family in awhile."

"I do. I want to see them & spend the holiday's with them & relax with my friends but I have something else that wishes I could stay here longer." I walked up behind Charlie & I wrapped my arms around her, placing a single kiss on her neck. "It's you, in case you didn't know. I want to stay here with you."

"I had a feeling it might be." Charlie laughed & then she spun around so now she was facing me, still wrapped in my arms. "You need to go home for a bit though. I know you miss home & I'll be here waiting."

"I wish you could come home with me. I want to spend my holiday's with you."

"Well if I didn't have school then maybe."

"Fuck school, who needs it. I mean sometimes I think Calum needed to stay in school a bit longer but hey, we're doing alright without it."

"I think I need it. I just have a few more months of it though."

"Fine. At least we're back in L.A next month." I smiled, kissing her forehead. "Because I don't know how long I'd be able to go without seeing you so knowing we only have three weeks in between visits is making this a little easier."

"Exactly. That's positive thinking!" Charlie was so positive about me leaving & about the distance that was about to come between us. Not to stereotype, but usually girls are very emotional about this sort of thing but she wasn't. Normally a guy like comforts the girl as she cries because she doesn't want her boyfriend to leave but Charlie was so positive about it all. I mean I guess that's a good thing though.

Charlie & I were sitting at the island counter top in her kitchen. I was just spinning an apple around as she was working on some calculus problems. I liked how she always had this piece of hair that would fall in front of her face as she'd look down at her calculator. Charlie was adorable. But I was still thinking about the distance thing. 

After she finished her homework, we decided to go for a walk because it was a beautiful night. 


"Yea Luke?"

"Question for ya."

"I might have an answer." She giggled. "What is it?"

"I don't want this to come off as rude or anything but I'm really bad at wording things but I don't know, I kind of feel like I'm more worried about the distance than you are. I'm not saying that you have to be crying rivers & begging me to stay or anything but you're so positive about me being on the other side of the world & I jus-"


"Sorry. I worded that really bad. I'm sorry, Charlie."

"No, you're right. Uhm, I kind of work that way."

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