1- crystal raindrops

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((listening to the video on top while reading is recommended!))

"There's a phone call for you, Miss (L/N)!"
Sighing, you slipped on a pair of blue shades and walked into the reception, stilettos gliding across the crimson carpet as a well-dressed employee stood sentry at the table. They were much taller than any height you could have ever achieved, and yet your air and grace were much more imposing towards anyone else.

Standing by the table, you reached out for the rotary phone and picked up the call. "This is Signora (Y/N) (L/N), how may I assist you?" you asked over the phone, your tone flowing as you spilled out the words said so many times before. "This is Guido Mista speaking here, lady." the voice replied casually. Had you not known who this speaker was, you would have replied again in the usual required condescending tone; however, this one was different.

He was the right-hand man to the person who ran the entire mafia in charge of this hotel.

      Straightening your back and tightening your grip on the phone, you lowered your voice and walked into one of the private rooms, thanking the employee with a gesture.
      "What can I do for you?"
"I need to ask a favor of you- Don Giovanna will be visiting this establishment-o. " he replied, putting extra emphasis to add the 'o' to his already bouncy and fun tone. For the consigliere of the most dangerous man in Italy, he wasn't taking this seriously for his own good. "And that's not all.
The man on the other side of the phone seemed too excited for his own good, as his voice wavered as he delivered the next line.
"Well, he's got this wack family, right? And basically, they all have a problem with his dad, crazy I know... but anyway, some Speedweed foundation thingy- whatever it's called, I don't even know anymore-, wanted him to show his loyalty to the family to prove that he isn't at all like his weird-ass papa." You nodded your head, attempting to comprehend the man's delirious state.
"So, obviously, he decided to get them all to stay with him for 2 weeks in what's meant to be the best hotel owned by Passione to earn their trust. So, lady, whaddya say? I mean, you have no say in it at all, but whatever..."
Sighing, you responded to him. "Ok. We'll prepare the rooms. How many people are there?"
"Nine, if the turtle gets a room."
"Surely a pet can't stay in a cage with someone else?"
The voice on the other side gasped in a state of shock and fury. "Polnareff? Staying in a cage? In the same room as someone else? The audacity! No, no, Pol will be having a room of his own. We'll even pay extra."
Sighing, you jotted down a note.
Turtle to have room.
Looking back to the phone, you continued to inquire. "Will the turtle need a pool to swim?"
       "God, woman, do you want the turtle to drown? Nah, Polnareff doesn't swim, says he's a tortoise or sum'n. Anyway, don't get that down, but write down that he need a good toilet, otherwise he'll have some PTSD attack or something."
        After a few minutes of his ramblings about Polnareff's needs and wants, he abruptly decided to share the details of the arrival.
        "Don Giovanna and the family are to arrive at..." he said, before taking a break to presumably check his notes, "...4:00 .pm tomorrow. Remember to prepare everything for them, and use the correct code of conduct, capiche?"
     You nodded, and jotted down the date. At any other hotel, such a preparation would have caused a massive reaction from the manager.
     But not you.
Your stand had abilities to... control this place. To bend it to your will, per say. You could open doors, change the wallpaper- hell, you could even open up a second full-scale theatre! It was almost as if... the hotel was your stand.
And it was.
[S P A N D A U   B A L L E T] took the form of a massive hotel, with the ability to be warped and changed at the user's will. In the case of an attack, results could have been brutal- due to its control over the establishment, it had eyes on every single room.
Apart from the bathrooms, of course.
However- there was a catch. Like how any other stand would work, any damage to the hotel would damage the user; and while she could fix it with the stand, the damage (if permanent) would stay.
And so the hotel and its owner would toil about every day, doing their usual tasks and avoiding anything out of the... ordinary.
If moving rooms and floating Renaissance sculptures were normal, that is.

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