Chapter 7. losing game

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His eyes were empty, his smile was forced. There was an oblivious limp in his walk, but he forced out a laugh and said he fell that morning. He even avoided Sakusa when he left and came back from practice for the next few days.

All those details weren't left aside by the black haired male. He knew something was off, but what exactly? Atsumu was locked in his apartment when he wasn't practicing.

Sakusa does remember hearing a scream a few days ago, but he assumed Atsumu probably saw a bug or actually tripped. But his behaviour was worrying Sakusa more than anything, as much as the germaphobe hate to admit it.

Sakusa went to fetch his mail as always, it being quiet without Atsumu. He sighed and grabbed his letters, heading back upstairs. He immediately locked himself in his room, being as quiet as possible to see if he could hear something from Atsumu's appartement.

But it was dead silent. He couldn't tell if that was a bad sign or a good sign, the silence disturbed him but the sign of a noise would reassure him lightly.

He sighed and made himself a meal, cleaning his apartment a bit, showering and preaparing for bed. His sleep was agitated, which he assumed was stress.

He got up a bit early the next morning, deciding to leave early for practice. The walk was lonley without the yellow haired setter, just his presence was enough for Sakusa. But Atsumu has been acting oddly and almost closed off.

He missed the old Atsumu. He wanted the joyful, playful, loud Atsumu back. Not this closed off, quieter and tired Atsumu.

Now what set off his panic switch was the absence of the setter at practice. The blonde setter was no where to be seen. The coach grunted as he thought Atsumu may have forgotten to call in sick.

As soon as practice ended Sakusa ran back to the appartement, eager to figure out what the hell is going on. He didn't get his mail but ran straight up the stairs.

It was on the 3rd floor that he crossed paths with the person he was searching for. Atsumu was wearing an oversized hoodie with his hood up, almost missing the blonde haired boy.

He stopped in his tracks, turning to face the blonde boy who just kept walking down the stairs. He grabbed Atsumu's wrist, making the boy react violently. He flinched and covered his head rapidly, muttering out appolagies.

Sakusa felt his heart drop to the put of his stomach. "Atsumu, what is going on? Why aren't you walking with me anymore? Why are you faking in practice? Why did you miss practice?" Sakusa bombarded tge blonde boy.

Atsumu retracted his wrist from Sakusa, turnin away to walk down the stairs. "Don't worry about it, it'll be over soon." The setter said before he ran off this time.

Sakusa was frozen in confusion and worry. He was trying to process everything that happened before snapping out of it. "ATSUMU!" He yelled before rushing behind the  blonde boy.

Honestly, he didn't expect Atsumu to run off this far. The appartement itself was near the outskirt of the city, which meant that the woods and feilds were near. They both ran for a while before Atsumu stopped near the woods, at the end of a feild.

Sakusa doubled over midway of the feild, watching Atsumu cautiously. The setter pulled out his phone and called someone, talking breifly. When Sakusa looked up again, horror painted his face. Atsumu pulled out a gun from under his hoodie.

Sakusa started to move towards the setter, his exhausted body begging him to stop. Warm tears accumulated at the ledge of his eyes, threatning to spill.

Just like Atsumu's. He held back a sob as he heard his brother's desperate yells om the other side of the line. He clicked the gun once, the chamber turning with the sound of the click.

The backs of the few bullets shone with the dim moonlight, the only thing that still shone in Atsumu's life other than his blade. He let out a shaky gasp as the warm tears caressed his cheeks softly.

Sakusa's tears felt cold, icy as they slid down his face, the buzzing numbness in his body as he ran mixed the feelings of reality and fiction in his mind, nothing made sense yet everyhing was clear.

"I'm sorry..." Atsumu soflty said as his hands shook in slight fear, his lips slowly following in. "Tsumu please don't!" Osamu yelled through his own raspy voice, his tears fallen since the start.

"I love you." Atsumu said as he applied a slight pressure on the trigger, a soft click before the actual detonation was heard near his ear, the barrel pointed just above it.

Sakusa felt like everything was in slow motion; his body moved in a mist of a mixed reality. He saw the blonde setter, looking brighter than the sun as the moon shun down on him.

Yet, the darkness around his slowly dulled his brightness, the light Sakusa was chasing down. He reached his hand out desperately, just wishing he will make it.

His hand made contact. He held on firmly what he gripped- he couldn't see, his eyesight blurred. His lungs were like a raging fire, burning them up inside as he panthed harshly.

A loud gunshot could be heard nevertheless. He didn't dare look up. His ears rang at the loud noise, still falling forward as he geipped onto Atsumu.

The two bodies collided with the cold ground, sounding like a deafened thud. The mist in his sight cleared lightly, he dared to look up at the boy who held the gun.

Atsumu looked at Sakusa with a mix of shock and horror. He was trembling and crying, reaching out to Sakusa's shoulder. Sakusa didn't understand wjy Atsumu looked so worried.

He forced up a small smile. "Miya please... Don't, don't every do that again... We're worried..." He mumbled out as he slowly slipped in unconsciousness.

"OMI WHY." Atsumu yelled as he started to sob loudly. Sirens were heard in a distance. Osamu was crying in releif, thanking the gods.

Sakusa passed out, his head bleeding lighty.

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