Despite the fact that she was only eighteen, I would have been a little angry with Robin if she had opted to get an abortion. It was my personal belief that those things were wrong. At least in most cases.

"We'll get through this together, I promise." I tended to stay away from promises, mostly because they limit the things you can do, and if I know one thing about myself, it's that I don't like to be limited.

But this was important. This was the life of a child, and goddamn it, he or she would grow up to be the best fucking kid ever. Mostly because Robin was gonna have me as an aunt/second mother. I couldn't guarantee that I'd be the best of influences, but I would do my best.

Gosh, look at me, already thinking about the poor things future.

"You promise?" she whispered, and I frowned.

Zander Sinclair would pay for this. For getting my best friend pregnant. I would march over to his house and chop his balls off with a shovel if I had to. Probably give him some sort of disease, but hey, all the better.

Fred burst suddenly, and not to be offensive, but he burst with a big pink cloud of glitter.

"Oh I so call being godmother!" he screamed, and I hissed at him.

"You can pry that position from my cold, dead hands, Fred. I will shank you." I told him seriously, and he watched me for a minute.

"I'll live through your abuse for little Freddy Junior!" he shouted happily, springing from the bed and spinning around the room.

"Who the hell gave you any right to name that child! And Freddy junior, what a stupid name. Jennifer is such a lovely one, don't you think?" Jenna said to Robin thoughtfully, smiling broadly.

"This baby is gonna have three moms, and a dad. Are you going to tell Zander?" I asked cautiously, hoping she would say yes. Zander, along with being a total blockhead douchebag, is also the son of a very wealthy business owner. Maybe he would at least help out with the finances that were sure to come.

"I don't know yet. I'm only a month in." her face went green then, and she sprinted to my bathroom. A horrible wrenching sound came to us seconds later, and I nose-dived into my pillows to get away from the sound. I don't like to listen to people puking. It makes me puke.

"Well, I still say Freddy Jr. is the sexiest name since Robert Downey Junior." Fred licked his lips, and Jenna hurried off to help Robin.


Later, I was feeling less sorry for myself. Sure, Mallory was a complete bitch-wad, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I would stay strong. The only thing I was worrying about was whether or not Logan blamed me for telling the paparazzi about us like his manager did.

I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, decked out in the most comfortable sweatpants ever, with bright pink fuzzy socks. Now, I know it's summer, but they are so wonderful that I turn up the air conditioning just to have the excuse of breaking out these bad boys. I have another pare with pandas on them.

So after figuring out that I won't reapond to them, a majority of Logan's fans stopped bothering me via the Internet,

He had yet to come see me, and Dev said it was because his popularity had suddenly skyrocketed.

"Why do they like him all the sudden?" I had asked Dev confusedly, scrunching up my eyebrows.

"Because he's dating someone. People, girls in particular, only want guys who are taken. Something about stealing what isn't theirs." He had muttered back to me, and I pushed his shoulder so he fell off his chair.

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