4 || Put A Price On Emotion

Start from the beginning

"They just got into a cab," Sally confirms with an obvious hint of mirth in her tone. I'm positive she's finding the whole thing entertaining; after all, she's been cheering for us to "get together" for months now. 

What she doesn't know though, is that we've already been together in a way, only it's not something we share with just about anyone. Our arrangement is simple enough: we hang out, we share the same group of friends, and if our outing occasionally results in a steamy make out session, or even a bit more than that? Well, that's fine by me. We've never labeled ourselves, both finding the term 'fuck buddies' to be extremely cheesy. Besides, that would imply our relationship is based solely on sex. Which it is not. 

"Let's hit the clubs," Emil suggests, "The night's still young." 

The word's are barely past his lips and Sally's already shaking her head. "Can't. I have a date."

"Now?" I ask. This is very unlike the blonde I know, who used to jump on every opportunity to recount all the details of her romantic endeavours to me. Once again I am hit with the realisation that my relationship with Asa isn't the only one that got fractured by my foolish decisions. 

"Yea, he's gonna pick me up in ten," she says nonchalantly. 

"Ohh, is it someone I know?" I ask, and when she looks at me warily, I realize that whatever answer she's about to give me won't be pleasant. 


My heart literally stops for a moment. "You're going out with the photographer that basically harassed me?" 

"I bet you're just overreacting, like you always do." Her back's to me, but I can literally hear her rolling her eyes. 

Emil looks like a lost puppy, glancing back and forth between me and Sal. "Who's Ryan?" 

"Sally tried to hook me up with that modelling agency; I was supposed to take some photos for my portfolio and this dick literally made me strip down to my bikini even though I told him I'm not comfortable…." I explain. 

"What?! He's gonna fucking regret it…." he seeths out, and I'm surprised by the amount of venom in his voice. Coming from a chill guy like Emil, it almost seems like his body has been temporarily inhabited by someone entirely different. 

"Don't listen to her, she's being a drama queen!" Sally scoffs. "Bikini pictures are normal—"

"Not when I haven't been given a proper heads up before. It's unethical, can't you see? He twisted the situation to his favour, used my inexperience in order to make me believe that this was acceptable." I can barely control my raising agitation. "Okay, listen, I don't want to fight, but please, just be careful…." 

"I can take care of myself," is the only thing she says in response.

I'm not convinced. 

It's not that I believe Sal to be a reckless person, but I know for a fact that there is one thing that she puts above everything else: her career. I've never been the person to meddle in anyone's business—even if it was my best friend we're talking about—but this time I really do feel like she needs to be put in her place. 

"Sally, are you sure it's wise? Starting something with a man who can pull a plug on your career faster than you can say no?" I try gently. 

"It's just a dinner, not a marriage proposal," she sighs. "Look, I know you're worried, but I'll be fine." 

"Please don't let it progress any further than a date, alright?" I murmur, lowering my voice so that only she can hear. 

"You focus on Emil," she gives me an innocent smile, "and let me choose the guys I want to sleep with on my own."

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