34 // New Year's Resolution

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Warnings: Detailed sex scene. Brief mentions of drug addiction/use.


There had once been a time when I saw Harry as a man with virtually no flaws. 

No matter the circumstances, he would always find the right words to say. He treated everyone—including myself—the way he wanted others to behave towards him. His kindness seemed to have no limits, but what impressed me the most was how organically it all came to him, as though this cheerful attitude ran in his blood.

But, as time passed, it occurred to me that no one can be that perfect. Sure enough, the small hints of Harry's previously buried flaws began to slip out. A little bit of egoism here and there; a flash of a possessive and stubborn man coming to light. 

However, there's one negative trait of his that stood out way above the rest, and that was his mad and uncontrollable jealousy.

After his little confrontation with Roy Brennan at the charity event, I didn't expect that side of Harry to be making a reappearance anytime soon. The revelation of the other man being a PI hired by my father seemed to soothe him enough to lay off Roy's case—for the time being. Which sadly changes… the morning after Corden's party.

The first blaring red sign that something is wrong comes in the form of Harry, rudely awakening me by pounding his fist noisily against my bedroom door. Once I manage to drag my ass out of bed to face him, I instantly notice the hostility in his stance. Harry is not the kind of guy to be aggressive in his display of emotions, but whenever he's annoyed, the scowl on his face speaks volumes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, instantly on the defensive, wondering whether I did something to upset him last night.

"You have a guest," comes his answer—short, blunt, and straight to the point. My mouth parts to answer, but he's already turned to leave without another word.

It takes all of my willpower not to spew curses at his retreating back.

Throwing on a silky, floral robe over my nightdress, I tighten the belt around my waist to hide the stretch of bare skin. By the time I make it downstairs, Harry and Roy are standing in the living room, clearly engaged in some sort of a stare-down. Although it's more just Harry glaring, with the other man leaning against the wall, unbothered by the hostility.

"Ooookay then…" I purposefully drag the word out. "What's going on here?"

"Styles and I were just chatting," Roy shrugs. "Right?"

"Right," Harry mutters. If I didn't know better, I'd swear there was a lingering beat of panic hidden underneath his casual answer. At the same time, I can't think of anything that would make Harry lose his cool like that. "He says he's learned something about the stalker."

"Oh?" A smile breaks across my face. "That's great news! What is it?"

Brennan turns to me then, extending a single hand in an invitation. "Shall we talk in private… outside, perhaps?" His tone turns mocking as he addresses Harry again. "Unless you want to join us, if you have any valuable input?" His words seem to hold some deeper meaning I am unaware of.

"No, s'fine," Harry mumbles with a fleeting glance my way. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

This must be the fastest I've ever seen him leave.

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