36 || Lucky

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TW: anxiety, panic attack

"So…" I try my best to sound nonchalant as I run my fingers through Harry's slightly damp hair. "I've been thinking."

"Yeah?" he hums, fighting to keep his tired eyes open.

I exhale a breath. "About all… this."

"This?" he repeats, now squinting at me in confusion. With his head perched upon my belly, he needs to bend his neck to catch my gaze.

The ensuing silence is eventually broken by my short chuckle. "Yeah, like, y'know…"

All traces of the previous drowsiness disappear from Harry's eyes. When he speaks up again, his tone is a lot more sobering. "I can't always read your mind, love. You gotta give me a hand here."

"Right." My heart starts to thrum wildly in my chest. "I mean, us. I've been thinking about… us. What we're doing. Like, what it means. And stuff."

Note to self: next time when you decide to take Asa's advice, ask for more pointers.

"Riiiiight." Harry smiles, a single dimple popping out. "So, like, just stuff and thangs then?"

"Oh God." Mentally cursing my inability to communicate, I shake my head at myself. "Nevermind."

"Wait a minute…" Harry sits up, now giving me his full attention. "I wasn't mocking you. I want to hear what you have to say, please." His eyes soften. "Talk."

I force myself to smile despite the nerves trashing away in my belly. "Okay, so…" Long pause. "I realise that this should have been said a long time ago, but better late than never, right?" Harry nods solemnly, still staring at me. "Okay, I'm just gonna come out with it—you're the only one that I'm doing. I mean, doing this with. As in, now."

Harry hums, pursing his lips to fight the smile threatening to appear. "I think I know what you're getting at, but could you explain a bit more? Just so, y'know, we're on the same page 'bout all… this."

I draw in a frustrated breath, bracing myself for more embarrassment when it dawns on me that the cheeky bastard is playing me. 

"Ugh." With a huff, I snatch his wandering hand off my belly. "Condoms, espèce d'imbécile! Since we're not using them, either keep your dick in your pants and don't sleep with other people, or suit up when you're with me." (French: you moron)

Nice save.

Harry laughs then, a full-on breathy cackle as he pins me to the bed with his entire body weight. We struggle a bit, my face growing red from the extortion until I, too, start giggling like a maniac.

"Sorry, I can't resist teasing you when you're being all awkwardly cute," Harry grins at me. "And honey, I thought it was pretty self-explanatory that you're the only girl I think of. Subtlety isn't my forté."

"Really?" I ask before covering my question with an uneasy cough. "I mean, oh. That's good. So… it's just us then."

"Yeah," he grins a little wider.

"Glad we had that talk."

Harry snorts, his head falling into the crook of my neck before he says, "Darling, you're a real handful. Think I'd even find the time or energy to deal with anyone else but you?"

"Wow, how romantic of you. I'm swooning," I pretend to fan myself with a roll of my eyes.

"Didn't know you wanted me to be romantic," he coos, a pleased smile sliding onto his face when his teasing makes me blush. "I'm dying to be soft with you, so just say the word–"

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