21 || A Real Piece Of Work

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A/N: I also updated yesterday, so if you haven't read that yet, please do so before going into this chapter.

After my complete meltdown on the street followed by Harry's hilarious but also very successful attempts to make me smile, he then ostentatiously shoved the watermelon into my arms before grabbing my bags and asking—or rather demanding—to be shown which house is mine. 

Clearly, he's chosen to play it safe this time, which means no leaving until he's acquired a fail-proof way of contacting me. 'Just in case you insist on being stubborn again', he had explained. 

Too tired to object—not that I even wanted to at this point—I led him through the gate and into Georgie's thankfully empty backyard. The last thing I wanted was to be dealing with her questions, and those would have been inevitable if she had had as much of a glimpse of my companion tonight. 

It's hard to tell whether my neighbour knows who Harry Styles is, but she would undoubtedly have a lot to say about me leading any man—be it a famous singer or not—into my house so late at night. For someone who'd met me hardly a year ago, she sure acts like an overprotective parent sometimes...definitely more than my own, real, mother and father. 

Once Harry and I finally make it to our destination, I set the watermelon down to retrieve the key from the pocket of my hoodie. 

"What's wrong with your front entrance?" Harry asks, eyeing the little gate connecting Georgie's backyard to mine. 

"This makes it a lot easier to avoid the paps. It's been a bit…crazy lately." 

Crazy is an understatement of the century, but let's stick with that. 

"You won't ever see me complaining about avoiding paps," Harry remarks. "This is quite clever, by the way. Using your neighbour's backyard-"

Grande and Bowie choose this exact moment to pop out of the darkness, meowing loudly which apparently is enough to scare the living shit out of the unsuspecting Harry. He lets out a small yelp and jumps back, pressing his entire front up against the fence. Dramatic much? 

"Fuck me," he mutters, making a show of rubbing his free hand against his chest. "Did you see that? They came out of nowhere!"

"Relax, they just want to tag along." 

Looking down, I easily recognise the youngest and also smallest of Georgie's bunch—one white, furry, and big-eyed ball of cuteness. I don't usually do favourites, but this little one had captured my heart from the start. No older than five months, Grande is the newest addition to my neighbour's ever-expanding family of cats. 

"You know there's more cat food at my place, don't you? Smart kitty. My sweet little Grande, muah," I coo while making loud kissing noises. She purrs softly and rubs up against my leg, clearly satisfied with my show of affection. 

"Grande?" Harry asks. 

"Yeah, because she's all white like that singer's hair on one of her album covers," I explain. 

He hums as if that makes perfect sense; like it's not weird at all that my neighbour insists on naming her army of cats after singers. 

Yeah, safe to say that H and Georgie are going to get along just fine. 

I'm still stuck trying to locate the keyhole in the darkness when Harry bends down to grab the kitty with his free hand, holding her at his eye level. The palm of his hand is so big that it nearly swallows poor Grande whole, but much to my surprise, she stays completely still unlike all the other times when I had unsuccessfully tried to pick her up in the past. 

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