40 // An Unexpected Guest

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TW: soft, romantic sex (Don't come after me, it's my first attempt to write anything like this so it might be bad. I apologise in advance)

The two weeks following Harry's birthday party can only be described as pure joy and happiness. I've always laughed at people who spoke of the mythical 'honeymoon phase', but now, after experiencing it on my own skin… I have to admit it's really hard not to get sucked into a whirlwind of domestic bliss.

It feels a bit like some metaphorical switch turned in Harry's head once I officially agreed to be his girlfriend. He has become caring, attentive, loving—basically all the things he'd been before, only magnified by a thousand. 

Clearly, I was not the only one who held back due to the unclear status of our relationship; it makes me regret having waited so long to take that step.

With our time divided between the two houses, we decide to postpone fully moving into my renovated property until Harry's return from England. He's due to leave in three days, as per his mum's request. She had even jokingly remarked that his promise was made with witnesses present, so he can't bail on her now. Apparently, H has a long history in that department.

In the days leading up to his departure, I pull several all-nighters to prepare for my upcoming audition. The screen test last week went really well, and I've been asked to come in again for one more session with my potential future co-star, Thomas Brodie-Sangster. In the meantime, Harry does a lot of writing, more often than not at Mitch's place. Whenever I ask him what he's hiding, he always answers, and I quote: "You're not supposed to hear it just yet." Despite my curiosity, I refrain from digging deeper—it's the one secret he's allowed to keep from me.

All in all, we've both been pretty busy. It's definitely a first for us, considering how our lives were the literal definition of boring for the last few months. Plus, during the precious moments when we're not working… Well, let's just say that we've settled into a sweet routine that includes a whole lot of kissing, and I'm definitely not complaining.

"Harry?" I mumble amidst one of our long make-out sessions.

"Mhm?" he hums distractedly, trying to recapture my mouth until I stop him with a hand on his chest.

"Should we, um…" I hesitate, thinking of a proper way to voice my thoughts. "Should we, maybe, try doing some normal, couple-y stuff?"

He chuckles, waving a finger between us. "Isn't this a very 'couple-y' thing to do?"

"Yeah, but I mean like, other things?" I look away when it begins to feel like I'm making a fool out of myself. "I don't know. I guess I just want to make sure we're doing this right."

Ah, the infamous fear of getting dumped. Is this what a relationship feels like—battling this constant panic? Or maybe, it's just a natural sign of deep commitment and I need to stop overthinking it all. 

"Considering how I can't seem to stop kissing you, or that I wake up with a dumb grin on my face every single day, I'd say we're acing it," Harry answers in his usual, light-hearted manner.

"Is it always going to be like this, though? Like… floating on cloud nine kinda thing?"

"Yeah, maybe. Probably not," he shrugs with a smile. "Every relationship has its ups and downs. Still, this is by far the most intense cloud nine I've ever experienced, so that's a great prognosis for the future."

"This is my very first cloud nine," I inform him honestly, "but it's still the best."

"Look at me stealing all your firsts. First real boyfriend, now this." We both laugh as he leans in, tucking me into his chest with a contented sigh. "You know, there is something we could try if you want…"

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