Minor Inconvenience

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Hinata flickered his eyes open, awakening from his deep slumber. He saw himself tangled Yamaguchi, Kenma and Yachi, which was theoretically impossible, then again his jumps in volleyball are also theoretically impossible. A looked around to see only a few awake, Makki was slumped up on his bed looking down onto his phone with earphones, not wanting to wake Shirabu.He could hear Suga and Akaashi underneath them, while Tendou and Yaku slept peacefully on their laps. Hinata smiled as he looked around, this was amazing and it would be like that for another 2 weeks. Hinata awkwardly grabbed his from the shelf. He checked the time, it was 9:44 am, meaning it was somewhere around 11:45pm in Japan. Hinata slightly nudged Yamaguchi, while telling him to wake up.

"Five more minutes mum.., I was having a good dream."

"Yams, I'm not your mum"

"Hmmmm... what? Where am I?"

"Please tell me you didn't think our trip was a dream"

"Oh oH OH! We're f*cking in New York. Thank Goodness, it isn't a dream."

"Yams, you are an idiot now help me wake up the rest."

"Alright," Yamaguchi replied slowly getting up next to Hinata. They both shook awake Kenma and Yachi, who were currently groaning at the sudden movement. Hinata slowly got down from the top bunk onto the floor, then he started walking towards the window. As got to the window, he turned around to see Suga mouthing to him not to do it, he turned back around and opened the curtains, to reveal a bright light. 

"HINATA, OH MY GOSH. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!" Yaku yelled as he stirred awake.

"It's nearly 10 in the morning, you chipmunk, we overslept."


"Yeah no sh*t Sherlock."

Makki's voice interrupted their shouting match as he said, "No need to wake us Yaku's yelling already did the job." Shirabu who was currently getting up, burst into laughter. Followed by Shirabu soon everyone started laughing.

"Alright, sisters and queens alike, get up and get ready quickly. Use the public showers if there's not enough. Cause we're already late," Oikawa said has he ran off towards the bathrooms. As the others came to reality of what Oikawa had said, they sprinted off in all different directions, screaming their heads off. If you were to be in a nearby room, or just silently walking along the hallway to your room or the elevator, you could hear screams and loud thumps. Some did decide to ignore it while others got worried and knocked to check. Every time there was knock on their door everyone froze and stood still. Were they really that loud? Yes, yes they were. Saeko or Alissa answered the door to clear any misunderstanding as they were already ready.

. . . . . . . 

It's was a quarter past noon now, they all headed out of the hotels fully ready to enjoy the 6 to 7 hours they were about spend. Turns out the bus, they had used to get here, was rot be used for the two weeks they were here in New York. Hinata was already making bets on how many rides they would go on, since he still has somewhat maturity of a child. Yamaguchi, Kenma, Noya, Tanaka, Kinnoshita and Yachi were right next to him, laughing along with each other. The topics of their boyfriends was now completely vanished, as if they never existed. Yaku, who was currently talking to Suna, suddenly got a buzz from his phone. Suna glanced towards Yaku's phone confused. The agressive libero held out his phone in front of him to see a text from his mum, he nervously clicked opened the message.

"Hey Honey, I know you're busy rn, but Lev came to today to talk. He was looking for you. Whilst he was in the bathroom, I glanced at his phone to see a text from 'tops gc'(I think that's what it called. I think they maybe onto your plan, but as far as it seems they think you're in Japan so you're safe for now. But be careful they will find out soon or in the coming week,be careful if they come looking for you."-Text from 👌👻💓Maama❤️💓👻👏

'Sh%t!' Yaku and Suna thought as they read the text. They rushed over to Suga and Tendou and told them. As they went on they got on the bus, Tendou told them to take a seat as there was to be an announcement from Yaku and Suna. Atsumu and Oikawa realised instantly what this meant, and started looking down. 'They weren't supposed to figure it out this quick!'Atsumu thought.

"Alright everyone! Listen up, before we head off to the ********, we have a little problem that has come to our notice," Suna started off.

"My mum just texted me that my Russian giraffe boyfriend came to visit and while he was in the bathroom, he left his phone unattended. She looked at it and saw-," Yaku carried on.

"-the tops gc, catching onto our plan, but as far as they think we're separated all over Japan. It will take them a few days to figure it out, but they're very close," Suna finished.

Murmurs  began as they would at a school when something major has happened. Atsumu and Oikawa breathed a sigh of release. They couldn't risk Iwaizumi or Sakusa finding out, otherwise who knows what'll happen to them. Makki and Akaashi noticed the two, and went over to them as they bus started moving. Hinata was on his phone, laying his body across Kenma, Suna, Suga and Kinnoshita's lap, while Yamaguchi was trying to braid Yachi's hair. Yachi was talking to the older girls as Tanaka was talking to Noya and Yaku. Shirabu was trying to calm Kunimi with the help of Yahaba as the sarcastic boy, came up with different scenarios of what could happen. They managed to calm him down in a matter of second, by mentioning the carnival and how everyone was in this together. 

Most of them fell asleep, while Tendou was driving. Atsumu who was still awake walked to the front and took a seat beside Tendou. They talked while Tendou drove, eventually, they came to stop. Atsumu pressed his phone against the mic at the front, and started playing music on it. The music blasted through the speakers waking everyone up. The dyed blonde stopped the music as he stood up and helped the others off their seats. They had finally arrived. They all arrived at the entry as group going into the ******** one by one. Hinata rushed over to one of the stands, his eyes sparkling excitedly. As they all entered all thoughts of their boyfriends finding them were lost.

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