Chaos (Amephil)

Începe de la început

(Time skip brought to you by meme man)

Ame's pov: Shit shit shit this is bad. As if I haven't got enough to deal with! Ok keep it together Ame remember what Nada always says "insert inspiring quote or smth" I still feel like shit tho. *preeapares to go to school*

*time skip to when they arrive brought to you by Nada's stack of pancakes*

*3rd person pov aka Author-kun *

Everyone at United High is talking about the riots that are happening, there are regular police patrols and there are even rumors of a school riot that happend.

Phil: Hey Ame whats up!

Ame: You know whats up *walks away*

*Phil's pov*

Why dosen't Ame want to talk to me? Is something bothering him? maybe I should ask his brother...or not he might think I like Ame. I mean I don't right? (Author-kun: HA SIKE)That would mean im...*bell rings* Welp I don't want to be late now.

*timeskip to lunch time brought to you by the principal's collection of japanese yaoi*

*3rd person pov*

Phil:(these are his thoughts btw) Ame seems depresed. That's it, I gotta do SOMETHING or else he might get even more depresed. Maybe I should...confess to him? No, Hes not homo (Author-kun: BRUH HE WEARS A RAINBOW PATCH ON HIS JACKET ARE YOU FREAKING BLIND!?!)I know I should take him out for dinner! He won't assume I have a crush on him right?(Author-kun: He might not but I would)

*time skip brought to you by JALIBEE DELIVERY*

*3rd person pov*

Ame and phil are walking home when...

Phil:Hey Ame do you wanna... go out with me for dinner? (Author-kun: Yeah ThAtS nOt sUsPiCioSiOs)

Ame: Uh yea Phil. Id love you... TO I MEAN TO (Author-kun: that happend to me here on wattpad the girl said id love you and I was like wtf???)

Phil:Really? Ok its at the restaurant cher il meet you there in an hour ok bye! (Author-kun: cher means expensive in french HAHAHAHA YOUR WALLET IS FUCKED PHIL)

*time skip brought to you by Ame's mom*

*Phil's pov*

(these are his thoughts)Damn I actually pulled that off! He didn't suspect anything (Author-kun: True but I would)Gotta put on my suit,Don't forget my wallet and thats all!

*Del's pov*

I walked in on Phil putting the finishing touches on his suit (Author-kun: he was wearing it already don't worry)

Del: Looks like you got a date Phil. Who is the lucky girl? (Author-kun: BWAHAHAHA DEL YOU ARE WRONG MY FRIEND)

Phil:Uh I don't want to tell you kuya Del. *blushes hardcore*

Del: Why? Is she...not a she?

Phil:What? No...Yes...*lies on his bed defeated*

Del: Hey bro its not like im mad I mean me and Sp-*suddenly shuts up*

Phil: Who?

Del: Uh uh no one! Its nothing Phil ok good luck on your date bye! *runs*

Phil: Which countries do I know have a name that starts with Sp?

*This image pops in his head*

*This image pops in his head*

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