Beating the odds (IndoPhil)

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Requested by: a_complicated_person

Trigger warinings!: Bullying 

(So in this AU Phil has this sickness which has a 99%  chance to kill him in a week an his best friend Indo tries to make him happy for the last few days of his life)

(this has a happy endings no tissues required)

Phil's POV:

I have a week to live.....I have a week to live...I have a week to live *knock knock* I-Indo? The Indonesian walked into the Filipino's hospital room.

Indo: Im here Phil!

Phil: Wait why?

Indo: Im taking you home. The doctor said you can go home today

The thing is Phil always had a crush on his buddy Indo. Now that he knows he will probably die in a week he knows this might be his last and final chance to confess

Phil: Indo?

Indo: Yes?

Phil: I have to tell you something....

Indo: What is it?

Phil's head: No not now...

Phil: Im hungry

Indo: Oh right! What do you want me to get?

Phil: Jolibee

Indo: Of course you do

(After they got out of the hospital,ate and then started driving home for some rest)

Phil: Urgh...

Indo: Uhm Phil are you ok?

Phil: Y-Yeah I think...

Indo: Why don't you take a nap for a bit then il wake you up when we get there?

Phil: Uhm ok 

As he watched the Filipino sleep, Indo thought about if he should confess to him. For he too was in love.

Timeskip brought to you by NordVPN:

3rd person POV:

Instead of waking Phil up Indo carried him bridal style into the house (it took me 5 fracking tries to spell style) Phil barely stirred as he was a heavy sleeper. To Indo it seemed wrong that he was going to die without any family as his father, mother and eldest sibling had died in the war, the second eldest had gone missing 5 years ago. He carried Phil Into the house then laid him on the couch careful not to wake him. He washed his hands humming a tune as Phil awoke 

Indo: Oh your awake. Did you have a nice sleep? 

Phil: Not really I feel like im about to barf

Indo: Hm well I was planning on taking you somewhere but if you aren't feeling well I can-

"No no Im okay!" 

"Well are you sure?


"Alright then"

Indo then got dressed as he was taking Phil somewhere special. Somewhere from his past.

He and Phil then got in the car and drove down a street he and Phil had rode on a thousand times every year. A street which took them to the place where they had met.


3rd person POV:

It was the start of the eight grade. Phil for once was excited about the prospect of going to school for he heard that this would be the first time his school accepted foreign exchange students. Ever since his childhood friend Russia moved back to the former Soviet Union back in  the 7th grade Phil had no one to really talk to. "this could be the day I find my next best friend" thought Phil. How right he was.

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