Chaos (Amephil)

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Suggested by The_Big_Stick

*Phil's pov*

*Alarm clock beeps annoyingly(author-kun:bruh so relate)*

Welp first day at United High! Good thing Ame finally convinced his parents to pay for the tuition.(author-kun: Yes ame is broke)I don't think I can survive a whole year without him! Ugh I am hungry as fuck tho. Only one way to solve that!

*Martial's pov* 

(these are his thoughts) Just eating breakfast when Phil came down. Huh, Phil is acting kinda strange...I wonder...

(Flashback brought to you by NordVPN)

6yrs old Phil: Kuya Ame look! *points to butterfly*

7 yrs old Ame:Oh cool Phil! Want me to catch it for you?

(il add tiny before there name to show there ages cause im a lazy potato)

Tiny Phil: Sure kuya Ame!

Tiny Ame: Alright! *walks over with jar*

*11 yrs old Martial and 13 yr old Russia playing soccer*

Tiny Martial: Bet you a amazon gift card of you score against me!

Tiny Russia: Your on!

(Author-Kun pretending to be sports commentator: Tiny Russia kicks hard! He hits...Ame!*Author-kun dissaperes*)

Tiny Ame: *falls*

Tiny Phil: Don't worry kuya Ame! Il save you! *tries to catch Ame*

Tiny Ame and Tiny Phil: accidentally kiss (Author-kun: Its not original but its the best i'v got ok?)

Tiny Martial: Puta! Punyeta ka Russia!

Tiny Russia:What the hell is that supposed to me you suka!?!

*Tiny martial and Tiny Russia proceed to say insults that the other one doesn't understand*

Tiny Ame: *mother of all nosebleeds goes out of his nose*

Tiny Phil: *develops a crush on Ame*

*flashback ends*

*Martial's pov*

Does Phil have a crush on ame? Does Ame have a crush on Phil? Both? Maybe Del knows...

*Time skip cause im too lazy to make a breakfast scene*

*Phil's pov*

We were just watching the news in the living room when...

*3rd person pov*

TV reporter: We are coming to you live at Atlanta, Georgia where riots  have broken out

Phil: What!?! Riots!?!

TV reporter: The riots have been caused by (I really don't want to say his name cause it makes me uncomfortable)'s death due to a restricted kneeling position used on his neck by a police officer  for more than 8 minutes the suspects involved are- *Del turns it off*


Del:Cmon lil bro you gonna be late for your first day at United High!

Phil: Oh yea I almost forgot! *runs to his room to prepare his bags*

*Phil's pov*

Oh crap I feel bad for Ame. He's already got enough to deal with.I heard the Mexican drug trade is really bad and its hurricane season. Now this? I should get him a gift when I have time.

Countryhumans oneshot book or smthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon