Remember me~ From the other side?

59 3 25


^|//Before we start, I wanna say

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//Before we start, I wanna say. Congrats to Dak0taTheGay for guessing the character from last time's morse code. Your prize is basically an ugly drawing of your amazing one shot, which is above- so yeah congrats again- let's start now I might be wasting your time lmao-//


No one's PoV


Techno shot out of his bed, or well, the grassy ground. He was confused on how, but it seemed like he was dragged, his clothes were dirty as fuck.

"My clothes are ruined, what a fucking scam of a apartment, can't even have proper security!" He huffed in disappointment. He looked around. Im in a... Well I dunno, where am I? He thought as he stood up. Ugh what the fuck? He looked around once again, it seemed like he was somewhere in a park.

He then got punched on the back. "THE FUCK?!" He exclaimed, as he turned around and 'tried' to punch the person. But.

Where the fuck? Who was that?! He looked at the spot where he could've sworn he saw the entity. Huh... Weird, where did tha-


Techno was pushed onto the ground. What?! He looked up and saw....


"I.... There's no way it's you.... It can't be you..!" He said. He knew this... Person.. But thing is..

The person was from another world.

- .... . -.-- / .-- . .-. . / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . / --- .--. .--. --- ... .. - . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / --- ..-. / - .... . / --- .-. .. --. .. -. .- .-.. ... /... / - .... .. ... / .-- .- ... / --.. ... - .... .. -.. .--- ..- .--- -.. --- -.. -... -.. -.- -.. -. -... -.. -.- -.. -. -.. --- . -.- -- -.. '... /...

(First to second sentence's are already fixed up. You gotta guess the name of the original, even if you already have, you can use your brains or a translator, as always. Decode, eliminate, and no more unscrambling for now.)

"I.... No... - --- --- -... -... ..- I...."

(Opposite's name, fixed up already.)


"Hah... Well.... Im glad you remember me, Techy.." - --- --- -... -... ..- said, as they walked near him. "Shame you had to see this... Shit." He added, Techno just growled.


"Right here, right now. We pull the offer around, Techno." Techno looked at him, his eyes narrowed. "I just... Didn't want to let someone down..." They added. "But... Techno... Since you... Recognize me..." The person said. "How come do they not remember me?" They added. Techno sat there, silent, thinking..

"But whatever, Techno. Just burn in hell, you stupid son of a bitch." - --- --- -... -... ..- ran towards him and slashed him with a knife, luckily enough Techno dodged. "Dude, come on! We can talk about this!" Techno said as he grabbed a nearby crowbar and tried to hit - --- --- -... -... ..- . They dodged, of course.

Techno was confident he can survive, but secretly afraid he won't.

- .... .. ... ....... .. ... ....... .--- ..- ... - ....... .- ....... -.. .-. . .- -- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- ....... .... . ....... -.-. .- -. - ....... .-- .- -.- . ....... ..- .--. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- ....... -.-- . - .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- ....... -... ..- - ....... - .... .. ... ....... .. ... ....... .- .-.. .-.. ....... .- ....... -.. .-. . .- -- --..-- ....... - . -.-. .... -. --- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- - --- --- -... -... ..- ....... .. ... ....... --. --- -. -. .- ....... -.- .. .-.. .-.. ....... -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- ....... -. --- - .-.-.-

(This one's easy)

- --- --- -... -... ..- then jumped over Techno and pinned him to the ground. For a small teen, Im surprised that they can be that strong.

Techno struggled a bit, but he can't move. A knife was on his throat.

One wrong move he's dead.

- --- --- -... -... ..- just pushed the knife more near Techno's throat. "Techy, techy, techy.. Can't even save himself.. What a shame.. He couldn't even save himself.. Now how will he protect his loved ones?"  - --- --- -... -... ..- snickered. Techno closed his eyes and hopes this would all end.

He then pushed the person off his and took his crowbar again, the person was holding the knife too strong. "What'dya say 'bout me not bein' able to save myself, dumbass?" Techno huffed, and the other looked up at him, a huge, sinister grin plastered onto their face.

Techno tilted his head in confusion. This guy's gonna die, why the fuck is he so happy? He thought, as he walked closer to them.

"Sorry, Techy. But.. I'll see ya in Hell!" The other smiled, Techno's eyes widen.

"What do you mean 'See ya in Hel-'"- He got cut off by so,someone pushing him onto the ground again, and being pinned by another.

"Techno, remember. You can't hurt me.. You'll end up hurting them."  The mystery person said.

"I..." Techno became speechless.. Hell, he didn't even know why he became so....


"Why the fuck are you doing this, asshole..?" Techno muttered. "Oh! It's all part of a..."


Techno kinda shivered when they exclaimed 'plan' in a dark, sinister tone.

"Im sure you'll wake up great! Tah-tah!" The person exclaimed as they shoved a knife into Techno's head.

" - .... . ....... -... .-.. --- --- -.. ....... --. --- -.. ....... .... .- -.. ....... -... . . -. ....... ... .-.. .- .. -. ....... -... -.-- ....... .- -. ....... . -. . -- -.-- ....... ..-. .-. --- -- ....... .- -. --- - .... . .-. ....... .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. .-.-.- ....... "

To be continued.

Short chapter, yeah. But for this last sentence, I'll have to say, it's easy- I lied that this will be hard, lmao, anywho, hope ya enjoyed and congrats again to my homie. Peace. Also, new book, yayyy! It's called "Us best buddies", it's a story about Tommy, Tubbo and Purpled's friendship in my au- Gamerboy80 might also be a main character- and yeah- that's it

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