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Mentions of death, cussing

Hah, hahaha.... Fantastic. We got that stupid Brit. Wonderful.
Im pretty sure he's dead for good. Well, that's what I think, at least...

Ah fuck it, for all I know, he's fucking gone, my plan finally worked for one of these stupid idiotic youtubers. Hah.


Yeah? Did something happen?


Ah fuck, come on! I thought we got him?!


Dammit... He's not dead?! Jesus... I was very sure it'll kill him. Dammit. Just, dammit.

#####, get #####. We have things to plan. We need to get him.

Ah... #####, just you wait.. You'll be accused of murdering him...

Get ready, you stupid original. We'll make sure to not only end you, but everyone else you love.


Morse code from last chapter won't be THAT hard(or that's what I think-) but I'll be adding that morse code here as well, in case you didn't see it. Anyway, hope you liked this short chapter, see you all, next update:

"They'll never find out it was _.. _. _... ._ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _. _... ... _ ._. _._ _ .._ / ._ _. _ _.. ._ _ _ _ .. . _ _ ... ._ _. _ "

De code.

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