Chapter 4. Let me be your friend

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" C'mon Princess." he said smirking walking closer. " You know me."

"I do now, do i?" she said walking backwards until her back hit the counter. " We only had one long conversation all those nights ago."

" Well good thing we have plenty of time to get to know each other more then."

" Ah yes, I suppose so." she said looking him up and down. " But let's make one thing clear." he paused walking towards him " You are my protector first." She walking closer to him, her finger pressed on his chest " You can not have distractions!"

His cheeks turned red as her finger pressed against his chest his smile slightly fading " Of course."

" Now dont look like that" Han said turning to the door way " Besides what did you expect? That we would have fun and games?"

" Actually princess, I didn't sign up for this. But i'm not complaining, I get to make sure you're safe all day." he paused " General Poe picked me and Bash because he thought we were good choices."

Han turned back to look at him with a crooked smile " Ah I see, Of course Bash is with Crystal." she paused, sensing his heart beat racing as she looked at him. "Well come on let's get this day started." she said turning and walking out the door, Oliver following behind her.

They walked down the hall onto the balcony " So where is everyone?" he questioned.

" Well Crystal is at school, My Mom and Monte are on Tattooine at her Jedi academy, And my Dad is also on Tattooine training our fighters."

" So your just here alone?"

" I'm not alone silly, I'm with you." she said smiling.

"You know what I mean." he said rolling his eyes.

"Yes, there's really no maids only 3, Crystal does not return from her studies until later. And Mother is gone all week. Oh, and of course all the guards are also here."

" Dont you go to school?"

" Why if you must know, I finished with my studies 8 months ago. I was very ahead of my class!"

" Wow princess very impressive." he said smiling. " So what do you do?"

She began to walk down the stairs onto the yard "Oh all sorts of things! I meditate, Igo into the city, I love to write, and I train."

"You're a force user aren't you?" he looked surprised.

Han laughed "That obvious huh?"

He blushed " Bash always talked about a force using girl at home with auburn hair, I guess I'm just realizing he was talking about you."

"Of course he talks about me." she rolled her eyes.

" From my understanding you two had a thing?"

" As the princess, no" she looked him in the eyes " As a girl, yes."

" He loved you." That statement held the weight of a thousand moons.

" Yea well" she looked away, trying not to tear up. "he was in such a hurry to leave."

Oliver could tell she didnt want to talk about it. "And what are you today?"

" A girl " Hanneta replied with a soft smile.


" Crys can you please stop looking at me like that." Bash said with a annoyed expression.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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