Chapter 4. Let me be your friend

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"Young Solo." A raspy voice rang out

Starkiller looked around trying to see who the voice belonged to but only saw darkness. She ignited her lightsaber and began to raise her weapon only to realize it wasn't her saber she was holding, It was Kylo Rens. Han looked down in shock, she herself in sith robes as well, her heart nearly stopped.

The voice began to speak again, this time it sounded like it was right behind her. " Or should i say" the dark voice took a long dramatic pause "Empress Palpatine."

Hans eyes flew open as she gasped for air, terrified about what she had just dreamed.

" Hanneta?" the door flew open with Poe entering " Are you alright?"

Still breathing heavily Han replied " Yea Dad im okay."

" Han this is the 3rd night in a row this has happened, I want you to go down to the medbay today. Id take you myself but I have some trainees to meet on Tattooine, and i'll be gone for afew days. Your gaurd will escort you."

" Oh great" Han mumbled, turning over in her bed " Who's the lucky man this man this time?"

" Officer Hux." he exclaimed

Han nearly jumped out of her skin " Dad no!"

" I know, Your Mother was hesitant at first but with plenty of background checks I think he makes a good fit!"

" What if he tries something?"

" If he tries anything i'll kill him myself, I love you kid. I have to go now."

" Bye Dad, I love you too." And the door closed as Poe walked out.

Han got out of bed and began to get ready for the day. She went to the bathroom brushed her teeth, washed her face, and put her hair in 2 buns. " Just like Grandma" she whispered to herself and smiled.

She went to walk out of the bathroom but stopped when she reached the doorway. Hans eyes shot down to the tile where she kept her box and hesitated to look at the saber inside, scared of which one it would be. She finally snapped out of her gaze and walked to the closet and put on a pair of shorts and rolled the legs once and put on a button up blouse with a pair of sandals. It was time for her to start the day but she was so nervous to see him, Han was full of all kinds of emotions.

Finally Han forced the door open with just the wave of her hand, and walked out closing the door the same way she opened it. She could finally do these type of things with no one around. She walked out of the door way looking around for him, she was dying to see him again but at the same time wanted to kill him and wanted all the information he knows. The hallways were clear. She made sure to look clearly.

Han started walking towards the kitchen, she hadn't left her room in 3 whole days, scared to face Rey and Oliver again. The walk to the kitchen was long and quite only a few maids had worked, Rey laid off half the staff when she moved in. So Hanneta was alone most of the time. She reached the kitchen and took a deep breath reaching for a piece of fruit sitting on a tray left by the cooks. Han took a bite of her fruit and shut her eyes and relaxed.

" Well, Well" there was a pause " I was starting to think I'd never see you again." came from that familiar voice.

Hans eye shot open and her cheeks blushed as she began to panic " See me again?" she said nervously, turning around " Please, I live here!" she snickered.

Their eyes met and Oliver smiled " Hello princess, its very lovely to see you again" he said starting to blush.

" Hello Oli-" she quickly cleared her throat. "Officer Hux."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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