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dear diary,

we're back to normal! me and beomgyu are hanging out during lunch again! actually, even during recess time. beomgyu said that he was guilty for the past weeks of not hanging out with me so he wanted to make up for the time lost. of course i understood but i told him that he also needs to spend time with his other friends and that i didnt want them to think that beomgyu left them for me. he said that it was fine since they hung out everyday after school. i still felt guilty so i made something like a "schedule". monday, wednesday, friday, we hang out during lunch only. tuesday and thursday, we hang out during lunch and recess. beomgyu agreed and understood my concern.

i think we're getting along well :>



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word count: 143 words

dear diary, ; choi beomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now