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dear diary,

i didnt have any energy when i woke up this morning but i had to go to school so i forced myself to get up. i was crying all night because my dog snow died yesterday. she was a part of our family, our first dog and my friend for when i feel lonely, and seeing her go just hurts.

i was practically forcing myself to stay awake and to listen to the discussion. i was startled when i felt beomgyu poke my shoulder. i looked at him and saw his concerned eyes looking at me. he must've seen me trying to keep myself awake because he told me to just rest and that he'll just let me borrow his notes later. as much as i did not want to burden him with the task, my eyes had different plans and closed themselves, giving me to sleep i needed.

i don't know how long i exactly slept but when i woke up, i found out that beomgyu had bought two lunch boxes from the cafeteria, one for me and one for him. i felt extremely guilty because he used up his money to buy me lunch but he said not to worry about it. "because i care for you" he said. those five words made my heart flutter. i always wanted to know what it was like to have someone care and worry for me other than my parents since i never felt that in my old school. they were all fake friendships with empty promises that i blindly believed in. i guess i got to know that today. he also ate his lunch with me, when i thought that he would go to his friends. when i asked why, he said that he didnt want me to be or feel lonely and that if i was, he was always there for me. there goes the fluttering in my heart again.

it was honestly fun to spend my day with beomgyu alone. he made me temporarily forget why i was crying before. i wish we would have more moments like this but maybe no crying next time? hehe



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word count: 363 words

dear diary, ; choi beomgyuWhere stories live. Discover now